Girls want to know God

Sincere greetings to all of you who read this letter. I am glad to inform you about God`s love and providence. I clearly see how He leads us and uses us for His glory. And I am thankful to you that you are our partners and coworkers with our ministry in Ukraine.

Ministry in Hertza

One girl Carmelita who repented in the camp came to our congregation and listened to the Word of God. She has hard conditions at home, her parents are always drunk, she needs attention and help.

Another girl Viktoria who attended our camp in Hertza moved to Chernivtsi and agreed to come to the church and Sunday school with us.

Bible school

In August we held "The school of young Timothy" in Carpatian mountains for a couple of days. There were a lot of teenagers, we taught them some lessons about God`s names, attributes and His nature. They were very attentive and would like to continue our meetings. So we decided to make the Bible school for teenagers at our church in Chernivtsi. We organized the new educational institution with a classroom, dining room, hostel, and schedule of lessons. We will have four sessions during the year. With God`s help and grace, we conducted the first session already.

Sixteen teenagers entered our school. They listened to different lessons about the establishment of the Bible, they learned our confession and creed, what do we believe in, the Bible geography and the review of the New Testament. In the end, they passed the tests of each course. They made a good job and passed tests well.

We need God's wisdom and strength to teach them and to lead them to the worship of God with their lives.

God`s providence appeared in our ministry. Viktoria came to Hertza only for two months this summer, exactly at that time when we held the camp, so she came to us, and attended our camp all week. Then she moved to the Chernivtsi, but we kept in touch with her and she agreed not only to come to the church but to enter the Bible school. And she came to us with her sister, so we had two unbelieve girls in our class who could learn about God a lot. And they absorbed all information like a sponge and passed excellent tests.

Prayer needs:

1. Pray for Carmelita may she come to Christ.

2. Pray for these two girls Viktoria and Nikole may through these lessons they learn the love of God and accept Him into their hearts.

3. Pray for us, may God help us and lead us in our ministry.

Thank you very much for your prayers and support. God would not stay in debt and will reward you for your ministry.

We love you and pray for you.

With a prayer for you, missionary Pastushak Alex.