Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I am glad to congratulate all participants of the PIEI mission on such a warm and bright holiday as Christmas. Jesus brought peace to the earth and to our hearts, and may His peace be higher than our minds and never leave you no matter what problems and troubles you face.
It is a great pleasure to know you and to bear witness to the power and blessings of God that we experience in our ministry.
1. Radio service
This year we have 2 great news: we have opened a new studio in Kyiv and we received the FM frequency in the city of Zaporozhye (Central Ukraine). More than 1 million people live there, that's why we got so many potential listeners. These are God's miracles, because for many years we applied for a new frequency, but the state did not give us anything.
Topic: Fake fear (2 Tim. 1: 7) Urgent! Spread it! Social networks are blushing with such headlines. But such news is most likely fake. But no one is hearing the screaming Bible nearby. What makes me afraid? Why do I allow fear to control my life? How is fear born? And how not to fall for it?
Topic: Icy Heart (Gal. 6: 2) How do we react to another person's pain? Mostly indifferent. But when it comes to us, we shout why everyone doesn't care? Why do people become cold with icy hearts and think only of themselves? In God's family, it is customary to help one another in need and to lend a hand.
Topic: Taste dirty food (Deuteronomy 5:20) When we buy an apple, we wash it before tasting. When we hear negative information about a person, do we accept it immediately or do we also clean and wash it? Gossip and condemnation make a person callous and distance him from God.
Topic: The Silent Killer of Marriage (Eph. 6: 4). Every girl dreams of a man who will love and care for her. But after the wedding, it may turn out that he is not the one he pretended to be and loves only himself and he wants to be served as a god. It is important to him that all his wishes are fulfilled without any resistance, and if you do not agree, he will press emotionally and blackmail until you break. Who is an abuser and how to deal with it?
2. Ministry in the city of Hertz
We regularly visit this church with the Word of God, verses and songs, we support them spiritually.
Sister Lena, 94, has always been very active in the church service and now also participates in poetry and solo songs. She always walked to the House of Prayer, but now it is difficult for her and we bring her by car to the service. We decided to support her financially. Her husband recently died and her son is drinking and taking money from her for alcohol. We bought her basic necessities so she could have something to eat at home. She was very sad at home alone and she asked to buy her a radio. We brought her a radio, so now she can listen to Christian programs and sermons at home.
3. Bible school
We are preparing for the second session of our school to make it interesting and useful for teenagers to learn Bible science. The session will begin on December 27.
4. Prayer requests:
- For reaching new people through radio waves, so that more and more hearts can open and accept Christ. Thank God for the new frequency in the city of Zaporozhye.
- For spiritual awakening in the city of Hertz
- For holding a Bible school, so that more teenagers come, and so that the authorities do not forbid us to gather.
Thank you for your prayerful and financial support. Our joint work has a good result for the glory of God! May God bless your churches, your families and your hearts!
Merry Christmas!
Missionary Pastushak Alex.