Teenagers for Christ

Congratulations, dear brothers and sisters of the PIE mission. Thank God for the gift of another year, which brings with it many challenges and trials. God bless us so that we can live it much better than the previous year.

Thank you very much, dear friends, who have been with us, grieved for us, supported us spiritually in your prayers, held our hand, and continue to do so now. This is a great work that we feel and we thank God for you.

At the end of December 2021, with God's help, we held the second session of the Bible School. About 15 teenagers attended the lessons. During the day they participated in prayer, glorification of God with songs, lessons and leisure.

This time new students have been added who want to study the Bible in depth.

An interesting new subject was "History of Christianity", which was taught by Pastor Hryhoriy Pastushak. Students could learn about key events and people in the development of Christians from the First Apostolic Church to the present.

We plan to go with our students to the church in Hertz. We have very talented teenagers who know how to play instruments, sing well, recite poems and preach.

We begin a special service in our church with teenage girls. My wife is in Bible seminary and has felt called to such a ministry. More than 20 girls have already responded and promised to come to a meeting called TeensHouse. A series of meetings based on the book of Esther with the theme "God sees you as a princess" is planned.

Prayer requests:

1. Pray for our students to study diligently and love the Word of God.

2. For the girls who will come to the meeting, so that they see their uniqueness and the potential inherent in them by God.

3. May God protect our family from the covid.

4. May God intercede for us and not start a war with Russia.

We deeply appreciate your contribution to our ministry, your dedication, your prayers, and your financial support. Together with you we work for the common church of Christ and our one God.

Missionary Pastushak Alex.