Time for serve and Gospel

I greet you brothers and sisters with love of Jesus Christ. We experience horrible time to which we were nor ready and did not prepare. But with God’s grace and mercy we are still alive, we are able to overcome these temptations and to serve other people.

Our church in the Hertz city continue to gather despite the fear, air alarms and shells. Our brothers and sisters heartful pray and beg God to stop this hell on the earth. They fast as long as they can.

Our young family had brought their little boy to the church. They want God`s blessing for him for all his life. That was a great holiday for all church.

But after that, the war has started. After holiday, the grief came. Now all the people of Ukraine are in horror and panic from what is happening in many regions of the country. Thousands of victims, women, children, old people. Many were burned alive. This is not war, but terrorism and genocide. They shoot civilians who are evacuated by walking along the green corridor. They bomb hospitals and maternity hospitals, schools and kindergartens, houses and squares, all in a row. Europe has not remembered this for hundreds of years. Putin surpassed Hitler in his cruelty several times over. No one expected this and could not prepare. Almost 5 million people have already gone abroad, and about 2 million have moved to Western Ukraine as refugees. Everyone is running wherever they can. Our church and all believers accept refugees at home. We open our apartments and hearts for their needs. We serve them the best we can during this difficult time. They require both material and psychological support, as they are in shock and have lost everything they had.

We accepted one family from Sloviansk city of Donetsk region. Grandmother, parents, and two children with a cat came to us. They left there their flat, job, relatives, own city of their childhood. They are so appreciated that we opened our door for them. When we hear an air alarm, we go down to the basement of our building. It could be three times per day. Grandmother went to Romania after two weeks.

It this difficult time, we share the Gospel through the radio.

Thank you very much for your prayers and financial support. In God we trust and with Him we will get a victory!

Missionary Pastushak Alex.