Acting on pastoral responsibilities

Christ is Risen! We greet with the holiday of the victory of good for evil, the victory of light for dark! We are looking forward to such a victory in our country! Russian troops shots churches and temples, burn the Bibles and Christian literature, kills pastors, women, and kids such their deeds determines them as servants of the devil. But our Lord Jesus Christ won the devil by His resurrection. He asked "Where is your victory, hell. Where is your sting, death?"

We are happy to live in His victory!

1. Ministry in Hertz

By God`s grace, I was elected as a pastor of the church in Hertz city. I am as acting on pastoral responsibilities because the deacon is too old and he could not carry out that ministry. The head of our regional association Manoliy Danyk has come to our church and prayed for us. That was a big holiday for our church. May God help us to serve Him with heart and have fruits.

2. Ministry for refugees

For 1,5 months, we had a family from the Doneck region in our flat then they went abroad and now we accepted two guys from the Chernihiv region. We volunteer where we can be useful. In this difficult time, we do not live for ourselves for others and we feel enjoy from God by doing that.

3. Radio ministry

We continue to encourage people and give them hope. We have a special program The prayer marathon where people call or text us and we pray for them.

Prayer needs:

1. Pray for our ministry in Hertz, may Lord use us for His glory and many people learn out Christ.

2. Pray for our radio ministry, may people find calm in God through listening to our programs.

3. Pray for our family and may God protect us.

Thank you very much for your prayers and support. God bless you and your families.

Missionary Alex Pastushak