Сamp "Good News"


I am delighted to welcome you brothers and sisters from the PIEI mission. We are grateful to God that we know you and can serve Him together. May God bless you for your prayers and support for our work here in Ukraine.

Ministry in Hertz


With God's help, we held a children's camp. The children were really looking forward to this, since last year there was a quarantine. We gathered for 5 days and 23 children came. That's a lot for this small town. There were different stations for song study, Bible verse, sports and Bible lesson. At the end of each lesson, the children were asked to pray to Jesus in their own words. Three girls said a prayer of repentance and now have desires to attend services. Parents came to the house of prayer to see how their children were and they could also hear the Word about God.

Further, we plan to make meetings with these children every month in order to continue communication and testify to them further about Christ.

Radio ministry

Topic: When will everything be okay? (Matthew 11: 28,29) We are always promised that tomorrow will be better, that a good time will come, but for some reason it never comes. The truth is, without God, it never gets better. Even if things don't go well, God and I will still be fine. Only to those who love Him, everything works together for good.

Topic: Suffering as Bitter Medicine (1 Cor. 1: 6). We do not want to have problems, experiences, trials and suffering. Our body desires only pleasure and well-being. But in fact, all unpleasant situations affect us, our character and our soul. It is through them that God can develop good qualities in us and change us for the better.

Topic: 7 laws of life (Matthew 22: 37-39). Each country and organization has its own rules and laws. Likewise, moral and spiritual laws should be laid in personal life that help development and warn against shipwreck. They talked about honesty, generosity, forgiveness and love for each other.

Topic: Give life (Psalm 138: 13). During the coronavirus pandemic in Ukraine, the number of abortions has increased dramatically. Young girls in a panic, do not know what will happen tomorrow, in fear of contracting the virus, they have abortions. Psychologists in this industry and I said that not everything is as sad as it seems to girls at first glance, that there is an opportunity to get help from life centers that will support you in difficult times. We urged not to make hasty actions, but to give the child a chance to be born.

Social problem and ways to solve it

In our time in Ukraine, we notice how people began to close in on themselves. Due to the war and the virus, everyone began to suspect each other of something, distrust, avoid communication and any contact. On the street, you can see many angry and unfriendly passers-by who can be rude or offend anyone. Someone's children died in the ATO, someone's parents died from the coronavirus, someone has lost their job and is suffering a crisis, and prices for everything are growing, there are a lot of reasons for sadness and anger.

In our programs, we often talk about love for each other, about the fact that life is not easy now, but with God everything is possible. With Him we can go through any difficulties and troubles. We also give our prayer support number so that they can communicate with counselors more closely and resolve their psychological and spiritual problems.


Vladimir turned to everyone and now decided to call us. He complained to us of constant fatigue and frequent nightmares in his sleep: "I just go to bed, fall asleep right away, switch off. I have no strength, but I have to work, since I have three daughters. I dream of the dead, whom I knew alive." During the conversation, it turned out that he had gone to the grandmother's path so that it would go away with him, but she only siphoned off money from him and nothing helped. Then he went to the Orthodox Church, where the priest in the church demanded a large amount of money, said "this is for proofreading, without money it will not work." And there is no such money, I had to buy an icon in the iconostasis. But all this did not help - fatigue and nightmares continue. We explained the reason for his dreams and conditions based on God's Word. Vladimir listened attentively, immediately agreed to pray a prayer of repentance. Like a sponge, it absorbed all the information. He promised to buy a Bible to study and pray. There are Protestants in the village - they recommended that Vladimir attend a Sunday meeting. He agreed to go to them.

Prayer Needs:

1. Pray for all the children who visited our camp so that God will grow the seed that was sown.

2. For the girls who repented so that their faith would grow and their parents would not forbid them to attend church.

3. For our health, so that God will protect us from sickness and give strength to serve Him even more.

4. For our spiritual condition, so that we can overcome all the arrows of the wicked one, and overcome temptations and with zeal to do God's work.

We thank God from a pure heart for such favors in the ministry, and we also thank you for being a part of this. Thank you for your prayers and material support. May God reward you a hundredfold.

Missionary in Chernivtsi and Herts Pastushak Alex.