Prepearing for a camp


We greet you brothers and sisters of the PIEI mission. Thank God for the opportunity to be part of such a large team of ministers and write to you about God's blessings in our ministry.

  1. Ministry in the city of Hertz

With God's help and with the support of the House of Peace Church from Chernivtsi, we have renewed the fence, which is more than 20 years old. It became much better, even the neighbors began to approach and admire how beautiful we did it. So I got into a conversation with them and we could testify to them.

We are planning to hold a children's camp from July 19 for 5 days. We put up many posters with advertisements in the city center, in the market, near the park and shops, and we also handed out invitations to the camp to passers-by.

Many people stopped near the house of prayer and asked about the camp, when it would be and what would happen there. We plan that there will be more than 20 non-believing children who will be able to hear about God.

Two girls, who had been here in the camp earlier, also came up and were very happy that they could come to us again. They have a lot of good memories from those camps.

We have prepared a courtyard near the House of Prayer so that there is a comfortable playground for all games and children. My wife Nadezhda, who underwent the operation, also helped and cleared the trees with an ax.

We helped sister Lena who buried her husband recently with many products. She was surprised and grateful for that.


2. Radio ministry

Topic: How to respond to evil? (1Pet.1: 9) We are surrounded by a lot of injustice and evil. Is it upsetting, unnerving, or regrettable? If we are filled with bitterness and anger because of this, then we are no better than others. It is better to give good for evil, and not take revenge, it will be like a fever on the head of such people. God looks at the world and its sins with pity, like a doctor who wants to heal sick people. We also need to react to evil.

Topic: Merciful marriage (Mt. 7: 7) A marriage in which there is rivalry, quarrels, resentment and unforgiveness will not last long. For strong relationships, every family needs sincere sacrificial love, patience for each other's weaknesses, empathy and mercy.

Topic: Do you love or not? (John 13:35) We expect others to love ourselves, but do we love? We talked about how to love others and where to get strength for this? And also about what the Bible says about love and how God the Father loved us.

Topic: Everything works for good (Rom. 8:28) We are very offended by God when something goes wrong with us, when we have difficulties and illnesses. But the question is not why God allowed it, but for what? Absolutely everything that God allows has its purpose and goal. Everything works for the good, the main thing is to see and accept it. But there is a condition - it only works for those who love Him, who are His child.

3. Certificate

Irina was looking for the help of a psychologist and found us. The conversation with us began with the fact that she wants to do something with herself. She said that her husband was beating her. "He was not always like this: in the war he was hit on the head with something and, after that, he became aggressive." Irina considers him good, loves him, does not want to quit. As she told all this, the woman cried. She admitted that she had already been poisoned and wanted to hang herself ... And last week her husband stabbed her with a knife. The woman did not go to the police, she forgiven him. We listened attentively to Irina. When emotions calmed down a little, we tried to discuss the possibility of leaving this relationship ... It was evident that it was very difficult for a woman. In addition to violence, Irina is experiencing the loss of her older brother - she buried him, there is also no understanding with her mother ... Gradually, the conversation switched to meanings, why she should live. Irina said that she has a son, whom she gave birth to at 16. The son often tells her: “Mom, you are the only one ...” She remembered that it is worth living for her son and not allowing herself to be treated like that. The woman allowed us to pray for her. She was glad to know that she can call us when necessary, that our team will pray for her. She was also asked to contact the Family Violence Counteraction Line. Irina ended the conversation in a much calmer state and was grateful for our help and support.

4. Prayer Needs:

  • Pray for a children's camp in Hertz, so that God will give good weather and many children can hear about God.

  • Pray for us may God gives us wisdom to serve Him right and fruitful.

Thank you for your prayer and material support, which is a great blessing for our family.

With a prayer for you, missionary in Chernivtsi, Pastushak Alex