A baby was not killed


We greet you brothers and sisters of the PIEI mission. Thank God for the opportunity to be part of such a large team of ministers and write to you about God's blessings in our ministry.

  1. Ministry in Hertz

Our sister Lena, who is 94 years old, buried her husband. She is a very dedicated and zealous woman. She walks to services and sings solo songs every time at that age. She prays very much for her family, which does not know God. She already has many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Her grandchildren came to our children's camp.

Last Sunday we had 4 new people at our service, some of them do not know God yet.

We are planning to hold a children's camp in July. We prepare a good program, games and sports so that the children are interested, and we also prepare a courtyard for this near the house of prayer.

2. Radio ministry

Topic: Free slave (Gal. 5: 1). The Jews left Egypt for the Passover feast. They were slaves yesterday, but today they are free. On the same day, Jesus died so that the slaves of sin would become free. Jesus died and rose again so that man could live.

Topic: Victory over fear (2 Tim. 1: 7). Each person has their own fears, some small and others serious, which lead to panic. How to overcome fear and what to do with it? What fear is normal, and what is the extreme and the problem? How Should You Fear God?

Topic: Searching for God (Matthew 6:33). Throughout the history of mankind, people have always looked for a deity for themselves, they worshiped the sun, moon, stones and idols. Where does such a desire to seek God come from and how to find the True Creator?

Topic: Modern Israel (1 Pet. 2: 9). Israel is God's chosen people. Why did He choose this particular people and how does God choose today? Why are Jews constantly being persecuted, killed and everyone is at war with them? What is the future of Israel?

3. Fact about Ukrainian culture

40 days after the resurrection of Christ in Ukraine there is a public holiday of the Ascension of the Lord, which symbolizes the reunification of Jesus Christ with God after the crucifixion and Transfiguration. Ascension is celebrated for 10 days and ends before the feast of the Trinity. Traditionally, on this holiday, the last Orthodox procession is performed, and it is also customary to commemorate deceased relatives.

4. Social problem and ways to solve it

The poorest part of the population of Ukraine is considered to be the Roma settlements in Transcarpathia. They are a separate people, with their own language, culture and history. Their distinctive feature is unsanitary conditions and begging. In their mentality, there is no concept of working and earning a living, there is no concept of ennobling your home. They live in very old houses, without heating and in terrible conditions for the civilized world. They live off the birth of children, they get married at an early age and give birth to children every year. And they eat at the expense of state allowances for children. They also walk around the city and ask for or steal money. Many churches are especially looked after by these families and children. They visit their settlements, hold camps for children and help them with food. And also the translation of the Gospel into their language began so that they could learn the truth about God.

5. Certificate

Alexandra Ivanovna listened to our program and turned to us with a request to support her in prayer. For 10 years her granddaughter Yana could not get pregnant, but the Lord had mercy on her, she was cured and is now pregnant. But ... it turned out unexpectedly and not the way Yana wanted ... The granddaughter was upset and said that she was not ready to become a mother and, even, was going to have an abortion. The grandmother and all the relatives were shocked, Alexandra Ivanovna was very worried and asked to pray that God would save this baby. After prayer and communication with us, the woman testified that her soul became easy, she trusted the Lord and began to wait for an answer from Him. And the answer came!

After a while, we phoned her. She was very happy with the call and testified that the Lord gave wisdom to the whole family to surround Yanochka with prayer and love, and the girl decided to keep the baby, she is already registered for pregnancy!

6. Prayer Needs:

  • Pray for a children's camp in Hertz, so that God will give good weather and many children can hear about God.

  • Pray for sister Lena that God will comfort her heart.

  • Pray for the new people who are attending our church that God will lead them to a knowledge of the truth.

  • Pray for us and our health so that we can serve God zealously and successfully.

Thank you for your prayer and material support, which is a great blessing for our family. May the generous Lord bless you generously.

With a prayer for you, missionary in Chernivtsi, Pastushak Alex