God changed life by phone talking


We warmly greet you all PIEI ministers. I am very pleased to once again write to you about God's blessings that He performs in our ministry in Ukraine. I am grateful to you for taking a direct part in our local mission. God shows by fruit that we are not trying in vain and that this work is important to Him.

1. Radio ministry

- Subject: Trust but verify (1 Cor. 13: 7). What is trust built on, and how can you win it? How can you live with someone you don't trust? How to renew attitude and trust after betrayal? If I check everything and suspect everything, then this is distrust.

- Topic: Choose life (Deut. 30:19). Due to many problems and troubles, people become disillusioned with life, give up and do not even try to fight for themselves and their place under the sun, and some even end up with their lives. But it is important to realize that not everything is as terrible as it seems to us at first glance, that when you rely on God, you see the light at the end of the tunnel and He will give you the strength to endure everything and survive in any situation.

- Topic: Where did the real men go? (Eph. 5:25). Nowadays there are many masculine women and feminine men. Women go to the army, and men go to beauty salons. Husbands refuse to fulfill their direct duties, and everything is laid on women's fragile shoulders. We have shown God's plan for the family and the role of men in marriage.

- Topic: Family Challenges (1 Thess. 4: 3-5). In our digital and modern age, there are so many temptations that destroy families. Pornography, alcoholism, gambling addiction, prostitution, materialism and the desire to get rich, jealousy and much more. How not to get lost in this and to save your family?

2. Testimony, Ivan

Ivan watched us on Facebook. He called and told us that after his long illness, his wife left him and divorced him; he was fired from his job; loans taken for a wife must be repaid; after an illness, a hormonal failure occurred in the body and he recovered to 130 kg. Ivan has despair, he is passive and just goes with the flow. We listened to him. He had not yet shared with anyone and had not talked about his troubles - it was a shame, he opened with us for the first time and, thank God, it became a little easier for him. We gave some advice to Ivan. We also talked about God - a man once attended church, but now he does not go anywhere, does not read the Bible, does not pray. During the fellowship, he prayed a prayer of repentance.

After our testimony that God is the Healer and He cured us of infertility, Ivan was no longer so categorically against attending church ... We agreed with Ivan that he would go, if possible, to the service. Ivan said goodbye with the words "Thank you for understanding me, with you I was able to open up and learn more about God"

3. Prayer requests

- A young family in a church in the city of Hertz became pregnant. We ask you to pray for the entire period of gestation so that God bless them with easy childbirth.

- For our health, so that God bless our recovery after suffering from Covid's illness.

- For our radio ministry, so that even more people listen to the programs and their hearts and destinies change.

- For holding a children's camp in Hertz, so that children can hear the Word about God.

We thank God very much for you that you are joining our ministry. We pray for you and may God bless you abundantly and reward you for your sacrifice and dedication to this cause.

With a prayer for you, missionary in Chernivtsi, Pastushak Alex