Remembrance of the cross of Christ


Grace and peace be with you brothers and sisters of the PIEI mission. I thank God for the opportunity to serve Him with the gifts that He gave me. And I sincerely thank all of you who support and pray for our ministry in Ukraine.

1. Service in the city of Hertz

As a deacon of the church, I could conduct the Breaking of Bread as a symbol of the body and blood of Jesus Christ as a sign of remembering His sacrifice on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. Our church members always approach this ministry very seriously with an analysis of their lives and repentance before God.

2. Radio ministry

During this month we have conducted many programs in which we talk about today's problems and point unbelievers to Christ. Here is some of them:


Topic: Order in the home and in the soul (Rom. 12: 2). We do not have the opportunity to see the thoughts of people, but God knows all our thoughts. The purity of life depends on the purity of thoughts. When there is order in the head, then there will be order in words, deeds, relationships, etc.

Topic: How to get what you want? (Matthew 7: 7) We want a lot, but it’s impossible to get everything at once. How does one pray so that God will hear and give what is asked? Do you need to want the right thing or ask the right way?

Subject: Mission Impossible? (Matthew 28:19) Jesus called his disciples and all followers on a mission. We were born into this world for a reason, everything has its own purpose. To be kind and to bring goodness to the whole world is the mission of every person.

3. Fact about Ukrainian culture

In our country there is such a custom on April 1st, which is called "Fool's Day", they also say such a slogan "April 1st without trusting anyone." On this day, everyone is trying to break each other, pin up or deceive. All this is done to the extent that is permissible and for the purpose of a joke.

4. Social problem and ways to solve it

With technology and progress, temptations grow. Thus, pornography has become one of the most successful industries. This is a challenge for all men. Almost all guys watch these products one time or all the time. This is not talked about, it is not considered a problem, but in fact it is an addiction that is difficult to get rid of. Even after the wedding, married men continue to do this. Families collapse and destinies are shattered.

In our programs, we talk about temptation, family fidelity, and the sin of pornography. The wives of such husbands call us and we are helping to solve this problem.

5. Testimony


Angela called us with a question of how to get the young man back. She found out about our radio through the Internet. The girl is experiencing a loss, at this stage it is difficult for her to believe that this happened. There were already plans for the future, expectations, dreams ... The most difficult thing is precisely because there were so many expectations, and then, unexpectedly, such a turn. In the course of the conversation, Angela felt better, as she realized that the reason for the breakup was not that something was wrong with her, that she had not completed something. And fear and unwillingness to go further into relationships and build a family came from her chosen one, and as a result of this, the person left the relationship, left as best he could. Also, the girl realized that it was better this way. The consequences would be worse if she married a person who was not ready for family relationships.

6. Prayer requests:

- Please pray for Angela to accept Christ.

- Pray for our radio ministry so that we can have greater influence on unbelievers and lead them to Christ.

- Pray for the church in the town of Hertz, so that their fire in their hearts kindles even more

- Pray for our family, we have been ill with the covid-19 virus, so that our bodies recover completely

Thank you for your prayers and support, we feel it very much and may God richly bless you for your sacrifice.

With a prayer for you, missionary in Chernivtsi, Pastushak Alex