Alcohol addict need to be free

God’s grace to the mission PIE and to the Stef family, and to all missionaries who spread the Gospel. During the war, people started in different ways to address to God. And the Holly Spirit works with people in different ways.

In the first picture, I am in the barn they provide grain for people. He is Alex, his wife left him, and now he is alone. Once I worked at their house and I always started and completed work day with a prayer. I talked with them about God and invited them to the church. And now Alex asked me what to do? Because wife and children left him, and he can not stop to drink.

Alex, you need to appeal to God, only He can help you in this case. If you want, I can pray for you right here so that God change you and help to you to win in this struggle. He replied that he agree to pray and to listen more about God. I encouraged him to trust God and to pray daily to Him. God loves you and wait for so long time.

In the second picture, I met Ivan in the Vovchanets village. He is 50, his mother is Christian, but his children are not. He attended our church long time ago. Lately he didn't come, so I visit him regularly, and we talk about different biblical topics. I encouraged him to trust God and to stop drinking. His mother said that he is like a gold when he is sober, but when he is drunk he is a beast. Turn to God and He will help you to stop drinking. We prayed about him and his family.

Let's pray about these two men, Alex and Ivan so that they turn to God and became free from alcohol.

May God bless all of you, our American brothers and sisters. We love you, we value you and pray for you. Thanks for everything that you do for us!

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasily Preutesa

My village mates need Christ

God`s blessings to all missionaries of the mission PIE and to those who support us spiritually and financially here in Ukraine.

In the first picture, I talk with Georgiy, who is from 1955 and who is my old familiar. We often talk about the Bible when we meet. I asked him about his promise that he would start to read the New Testament. And he replied that he started to read the Gospel of Matthew and had read about John Baptist. Did you notice that firstly you need to repent and after that get the baptism? - I asked him. Because at our orthodox churches they firstly give baptism and forget about the repentance. He replied that he started to see faults of his orthodox church and differences with the Scripture. I prayed with him and invited to the church.

In the second picture, I met Evgeniya, who is from 1946, who was cleaning her front yard. We started talk about spiritual subject that we are people who are going to die soon. Your family is kind and polite, but you need to believe in Jesus to be saved. We talked about 30 minutes about God`s love and His sacrifice. Told her that customs are from the people, but not from God. I prayed that God revealed her and her family to His path. I invited her to the church.

Pray all these people, may they seek God.

We read the Psalm with the church.

May God bless all of you, our American brothers and sisters. We love you, we value you and pray for you. Thanks for everything that you do for us!

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasily Preutesa

Drug left him without anything

Grace of God on all missionaries in Ukraine and all around the world.

When I was in the store I met Alex who is 35. In the first picture. From 2003 till 2007 he sang in the children choir at church and attended children meetings and camps like in Boyan. I taught him and the other 15 children how to read the Bible and love God. I told them that God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Some of them became Christians, but another got to the net of devil. So Alex became a drug addict with his friends. He realizes that this is from devil, and he can not leave that. He divorced with his wife cause of the drugs, he has two children. Wife doesn't need such a husband and children went away from me. What do I need to do? - he asked me. I replied: how many times we talked about that you need to seek God firstly. You can not find exit without God. I help me in different situation and I never regret that I loved God. You left our church and went wherever you wanted. Your dad dead early from the alcohol. You follow your father's steps, and you don't obedient to the advices of Christians, but you listen the voice of devil. He asked me to pray for him so that he released from bondage and return his family back and come to God. We prayed together, and I invited him to the church.

In the second picture, I told with Viorina and Marina. I know Marina`s father. I told with them at their house about God's salvation. Likewise, I gave the Bible for their kids. We talked with children about a prayer before lunch and bed. They asked a lot of questions.

In the third picture we are with Agnessa, I asked her about her promise that she would read the Bible. She replied that she reads indeed and started the book Act and she asked what is this about? I explained her briefly and said that I pray about her and her parents.

Pray all these people, may they seek God.

We read the Psalm with the church.

May God bless all of you, our American brothers and sisters. We love you, we value you and pray for you. Thanks for everything that you do for us!

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasily Preutesa

Men afraid the war but not afraid God

Dear brothers and sisters from the PIE mission, peace and grace to all of you! Our country Ukraine is in the military state, people die, houses destruction, children lose, youth rape all such evil doing godless russia. They don't have neither conscience nor shame, nor fear of God. But the Bible says You will reap what you planted. In this terrible war, we as missionaries have to be cheerful and to tell people about the Christ.

In the first picture, I met a woman, Valentina. We told about the heaven that Jesus prepared for us. She visited couple of times on evangelizations and our church, she likes to hear the Word of God. I told her Seek God while we can find Him. I prayed for her and invited to the church.

In the second picture I stopped at one house where were a group of people. They talked about a war and commissariat, how they collect people for the war. They asked me: You are believer, why russia attacked us peaceful people and destroy everything? What have we done wrong for them? I replied them from the Matthew that in last days nation would stay against other nation there would be diseases, pandemics, earthquakes. Guys, we don't read the Bible, we don't pray to God, we don't thank God for everything He gave us, that is why we don't understand the plan of God. We need to reconcile with God and to pray about the peace in Ukraine. God is Almighty, and we need only ask Him for help. Come to the church and you will learn more about God.

In the third picture is Tanya who is pharmacy assistance. I meet her often in the pharmacy and I explain to her that we will give a report for of our word. Tanya, you are a mother, you have children and grandchildren you have those for whom you need to pray. I searched God 42 years ago, and I asked believers how to deed correct, and they told me to pray God, and read the Bible, and you will find out that God loves you.

In the fourth picture, we visited a former class teacher, Stella. When I bring my daughters to the school I meet Stella and pray about her health, wisdom and patient for children. She doesn't mind and even more, she says that feels how it helps her. We invited them to the Church.

Please pray for all these people that I met in the village.

We learn the book of Psalm with the church.

May God bless all of you, our American brothers and sisters. We love you, we value you and pray for you. Thanks for everything that you do for us!

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasily Preutesa

Neighbors need God

Some notes about missionary activity in Ukraine for our brothers of the PIE mission and Stef family. God bless all of you. In the first picture are two of my neighbors. I was riding a bike when I saw them sitting on the bench. I stopped and started to talk with them, with Maria and Daria. In our conversation, I asked them do they read the Bible and do they discuss the Bible right here? Because the Bible is the sense of life, and it is a compass that lead us to the paradise. They asked why God allowed Russians entered to our territory and allowed them to kill us and destroy everything? How does God look at this? I answered that people don't need God, churches and temples are empty, people don't want to talk with God and to reconcile with Him. I invited them to the church to pray together for Ukraine, for the peace in our country and in our hearts. In the end, I prayed for them.

In the second picture I visited the Krigan family, on the right Anna who is 70, her husband died 5 years ago. She is sick with legs. Next to her is Galia she is a guest. We talked with them about the Bible. People don't want to read it, but once it will be taken away from them. And they will have thirsty for it. About one hour, we discussed icons and traditions.

In the third picture is Ivan he was police man and his wife Lilia she was a teacher of the literature. We talked a lot on spiritual subjects. They liked our songs. Ivan doesn't like to make a picture, but he agreed to make a picture with me. So his wife was wondered about that.

Please, pray for all these families, they are not far from God. May God reveal them Himself.

In the church, we learn a book of Judges.

May God bless all of you, our American brothers and sisters. We love you, we value you and pray for you. Thanks for everything that you do for us!

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasily Preutesa

Share Jesus to village fellows

Peace and grace to all missionaries from the PIEI mission. By your spiritual and financial support, we can serve here and are earnestly grateful to you for such partnership. You don't forget about us during the war in Ukraine. God bless all of you in the name of Jesus Christ.

In the first picture, I met Veronika close by the pharmacy. She is a widow, her husband died long time ago. He worked a plasterer like me. When Nickolay was sick 15 years ago, they asked me to renew their house. I worked there for 3 weeks. Then I talked with them about Jesus Christ, how I came to church, and how to connect with God. We told with her for a while, and she testified that she remember that conversation for 15 years ago. She reminded that I started each work day with a prayer so that God bless and protect you. She said: We don't have such a habit. And you finished a job quickly and wonderfully. So God really blessed you.

Then I asked her does she read the Bible. She replied that she reads and has a lot of questions, so she invited me to her house to get the answers. I promised her to come to her and talk more.

In the second picture, I am with Michael, I met him on a road from a store. He is 72. I once told him, don't kid with God. You will reap what you sow. I encouraged him to read the Gospel and cone to the church. And now he told me that he reads the Bible, and it is very interesting for him. He asked me a lot of questions from the Bible and I replied to him. We had great talking in a presence of the Holy Spirit.

In the third picture, I am with my granddaughter in the Vanchakauts village. We chanted some carols for Alik and Stella. I buy some milk product in them and I often talk with them about God. Since their daughter was in the camp in Boyan for a couple of times, so we talk about that and Jesus Christ. They read the Bible and sometimes attend the church. In the fourth picture, I am with my granddaughter in the Vovchanets village. We sang some carols to Valia and Dima. He is unbeliever and he sometimes attends the church. He told that he shy to come and wife doesn't want to come to church.

Let's pray about all these people and their families whom I met and visited.

We study the book of Esther with the Church.

May God bless all of you, our American brothers and sisters. We love you, we value you and pray for you. Thanks for everything that you do for us!

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasily Preutesa

Classmates seek God

Blessing from God may come unto all of you missionaries of the PIEI mission. Gratitude of God and you for the spiritual and material support.

In the first picture I am with Paulina who is 70. I visited her at home and asked does she read the Bible as I taught her before. She asked me Why John Baptist baptized Jesus if He is a Savior? Why priests crucified Jesus? And many others question. I explained to her all of them and said: I am glad that you are interested in reading the Bible. Pray so that God open your mind to understand His Word. I prayed for her and invited to the church.

In the second picture, I am with my classmate at the store. We talked about the situation in our country and each of them has own opinion who is right and who is fault. They asked me Why all these bad things happen here and how God looks on it? Why God doesn't stop this war? I replied to them that people ran away from God, live how they want and don't care about God. He can easily stop a pandemic and a war, but it depends on our obedience to God. If you want to know more about God, come to the church, you will find all answers to your questions. 40 years ago I started to read the Bible and come to church and God revealed Himself to me. I didn’t have a plan to repentance, but Holly Spirit touched me and I repented.

In the third picture, we are with the Vaniatsa family. We brought some literature to them. We sang to them and they even cried. We encouraged them to seek God and His Kingdom. I share with them with my testimony. I prayed for them and invited to the church.

Let's pray for all these people, may God draw them to Himself.

May God bless all of you, our American brothers and sisters. We love you, we value you and pray for you. Thanks for everything that you do for us!

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasily Preutesa

Good time for Gospel is now

Grace of God, let be upon all of you in 2023. Gratification to the mission PIEI for the spiritual and financial support especially in such difficult days. About a year, we have a war and so many children have died there.

We as missionaries have to spread the Gospel with the power of Holly Spirit at streets, stores and at front yards. We have a commandment of Jesus Christ, "Go and edify disciples".

In the first picture, I am with Nina Preutesa. I met her at her front yard. I know her from childhood. We grazed cows together. Her husband died a couple of years ago. She has three daughters and she lives with granddaughters. We talked a lot, and she asked me "Why God allows such severe diseases and wars?" I replied to her from Bible that is has to happen. Also, she asked about orthodox priests, why they don't teach the whole Gospel but only partly. I explained to her that they teach only that are profitable and fit for them. We prayed together, and I invited her to the congregation.

In the second picture, I met Alexey and Vladimir. They asked about my health, and I testify that God help me to walk and serve Him. I told them about my previous life and how god changed me. They came to the church for a couple of times, long time ago. I am with God 40 years and I never regret that came to God. I am so happy, and I have so many friends in around all world. I encouraged them and prayed for them. I visited some neighbors with my granddaughter. We sang together and shared the Gospel.

Let's pray for all these people whom we attended. May God touch their hearts, and they come to Jesus.

May God bless all of you, our American brothers and sisters. We love you, we value you and pray for you. Thanks for everything that you do for us!

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasily Preutesa

He had read the Gospel and repented

Dear brothers and sisters, dear missionaries of the PIEI mission, blessings of God upon all of us. We spread the Gospel to the people who don't know God, and we pray that they become to know Him. We live in those days when we got used to living without electricity and internet, during the air alarm. After pandemic, we have a war and the economy is suffering and prices increased, people don't have where to work. Talking with people, I found out that they do not seriously attitude to God.

In the first picture I met Ivan who is 75. His wife Lidia died several years ago, they don't have children. He is my old familiar, and he asked me: Are you interested, have I read the Gospel that you gave me? I replied: I`d be glad you read it a couple of times and wrote down in a notebook questions what you did not understand. That is how I did long time before. Also, you need to pray to God, may He open your mind and heart to understand His Word and learn Him close. He told me that he read the Gospel of John twice and he found interesting stories about Nicodemus and Samaritan woman. I said to him: Good. You know what does it mean to born again? You need to repent and believe in the Gospel and baptize, only then you will be saved. That is mean the true faith. And about Samaritan woman is written that true believer have to worship God in spirit and truth. But you worship icons and crosses. Then he asked me: Does Jesus accept me as I am? I replied: Sure, I will pray for you, may you know Jesus very soon. I prayed, and he repeated after me and he repented, and he began to cry after the prayer.

In the second picture, I met Yura who is 62 and Kostia who is 74. I met them before and they were interested of my health. I told them that we all live only by God’s grace, we don't deserve that, and we are weak and sinners, but Jesus loves us. Faith in Jesus and His blood clear us from each sin. Guys, read and discern the Bible. Feel free to come to the church, pray that God open up to you His peace, He loves you. We talked for an hour and prayed together.

Please pray for these men.

In the church, we parse the story of Abraham.

My family and our church pray for the mission PIE and Stef family for your spiritual and body health.

Thank you for your help to our family and to refugees.

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasily Preutesa

Gospel at hospital

The grace of God upon you all missionaries on the field of God. Blessings to the PIEI mission that helps all missionaries from Ukraine spiritually and financially. In times of war in Ukraine, we as missionaries have to tell more people about Jesus wherever and whenever we are we need to share the Gospel.

In the first picture, I met Christina and her grandmother Nina at the hospital. They shared with me about their health and then I asked Nina if may I pray for her that God rid her of disease. Then they asked: Will it help? I replied: Yes if we believe and trust in God. I prayed for them and for 20 minutes I talked with them until a doctor has come. I told them how God loves them and sent His only Son to die on the cross for man to have salvation. They asked: If God loves people so why does He let suffering and diseases? I explained to them that God punishes those whom He loves. He directs man to Lord so that is why He lets the suffering. Seek God while He is close, call Him while He is hearing. I encouraged them to read the Bible, to attend church, and shared my testimony. Nina said that her granddaughter attends church and she would like to go with her.

In the second picture, I visited Solomia. She is sick with her legs, she hardly walks with crutches. We talked and I saw the Bible on her table, so I asked for how long she read the Bible. Yes, she replied but many things I don`t understand especially the Old Testament. I recommended she read the Gospels with prayer may God help her to understand. I told her how I grew up spiritually with God and explained the plan of salvation. I prayed for her healing and promised to come again.

Please pray for these families may God enlighten their minds and give them repentance.

My family and our church in Vovchanets are grateful to the mission PIEI for your spiritual and financial support.

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasily Preutesa