Due to the full-scale war in Ukraine, we as missionaries have to explain to the people what God wants from us now.
In the first picture, I visited a woman Zoya, she was sitting on the bench when I walked by, so I saw her and came to talk with her. She is 71 and 3 years ago her husband died. She left with a son but he went to war. I encourage her that only God can comfort widows and orphans. When we trust God it so easier to go through difficulties. She has pain in her legs and it is hard to walk. She said: Loneliness is killing me. I testified to her that God loves her and wants to be her friend. Her husband attended the church a couple of times along with her. We talked about Jesus Christ his ministry and his miracles. I prayed for her and also I recommended she read the Bible and to pray God.
In the second picture, I am with the Bezushko family. Father is Georgiy, who is 50 and son is Troyan who is 28. We are familiar for a long time since our youth. 20 years ago I plasted their house. When we meet we always talk about God and the Bible they are very close to God. They regularly read the Bible and ask me what they don`t understand. I explained to them that true worshipers worship God in the spirit and truth. I prayed for them and invited them to the church.
Prayer need:
1. Pray for Zoya and for her family.
2. Pray for Bezushko family may they find God and reconcile with Him.
We parse the Bible with our church. We overview Aaron's life and his ministry now.
My family and our church in Vovchanets are grateful to the mission PIEI for your spiritual and financial support.
We thank Martha for her assistance. My wife and granddaughters were so glad and happy about that. May God bless Martha richly.
With love, pastor missionary, Vasily Preutesa