About Vasile Preutesa

My name is Vasile Preutesa and I am a missionary pastor in the villages of Fagadau and Vancicauti, in the district of Noua-Sulita, Chernivtsi Region, Ukraine.  These villages are located in the Southwest of Ukraine, close to the Ukraine-Romania border.

I am married to Valentina Preutesa, and together we have three sons: Alexandru, Valerii, and Ion.

God revealed Himself to me in 1981 when I found out about His love.  On February 1st I accepted Jesus as my Savior and repented of my sins, and on July 5th of the same year I was baptized. 

About the Ministry:

In 1994 I received the call from God to serve as deacon in the church in the village of Tarasauti.  In 2001 I started the missionary work in the nearby neighboring villages Fagadau and Vancicauti, together with a team of lay men from Tarasauti.  In 2002 I was ordained pastor and became the pastor of the newly planted churches in these two villages, where we had 18 believers.

Between 2003 and 2007 I attended the Bible College in the city of Chernivtsi, an Evangelical Mobile Module from the U.S.

In 2002 I was introduced and became a missionary pastor under Partners in Evangelism International in partnership with the Stef family, who has help and continue to help us in our mission efforts in the Bucovina Grand Region of Ukraine.

Our Mission:

·         To spread the Gospel and reach out to people in all possible ways;

·         To engage the youth and family members in Fagadau and Vancicauti villages in public places and homes door to door in evangelistic efforts

Our Vision:

·         To be the light of the world. Matthew 5:14 ““You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.”  These two villages have over 3000 people who need to come to Christ; we pray for them all to be reached.

Our Strategy:

·         To disciple the youth to become bold workers, filled with the Holy Spirit to be equipped to take the good news of Salvation

·         Reaching out to children in kindergarten and public schools, using my two granddaughters who have prepared Children’s Outreach programs

·         Door to door personal evangelism, making time to listen to people, especially those who have difficulties, showing them the love of Christ; to find families who are open to hosting prayer meetings and worship in their homes, inviting friends and neighbors

·         To visit other churches with the youth group and host other groups in our church in order to encourage the young generation to servic