Classmates seek God

Blessing from God may come unto all of you missionaries of the PIEI mission. Gratitude of God and you for the spiritual and material support.

In the first picture I am with Paulina who is 70. I visited her at home and asked does she read the Bible as I taught her before. She asked me Why John Baptist baptized Jesus if He is a Savior? Why priests crucified Jesus? And many others question. I explained to her all of them and said: I am glad that you are interested in reading the Bible. Pray so that God open your mind to understand His Word. I prayed for her and invited to the church.

In the second picture, I am with my classmate at the store. We talked about the situation in our country and each of them has own opinion who is right and who is fault. They asked me Why all these bad things happen here and how God looks on it? Why God doesn't stop this war? I replied to them that people ran away from God, live how they want and don't care about God. He can easily stop a pandemic and a war, but it depends on our obedience to God. If you want to know more about God, come to the church, you will find all answers to your questions. 40 years ago I started to read the Bible and come to church and God revealed Himself to me. I didn’t have a plan to repentance, but Holly Spirit touched me and I repented.

In the third picture, we are with the Vaniatsa family. We brought some literature to them. We sang to them and they even cried. We encouraged them to seek God and His Kingdom. I share with them with my testimony. I prayed for them and invited to the church.

Let's pray for all these people, may God draw them to Himself.

May God bless all of you, our American brothers and sisters. We love you, we value you and pray for you. Thanks for everything that you do for us!

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasily Preutesa