Good time for Gospel is now

Grace of God, let be upon all of you in 2023. Gratification to the mission PIEI for the spiritual and financial support especially in such difficult days. About a year, we have a war and so many children have died there.

We as missionaries have to spread the Gospel with the power of Holly Spirit at streets, stores and at front yards. We have a commandment of Jesus Christ, "Go and edify disciples".

In the first picture, I am with Nina Preutesa. I met her at her front yard. I know her from childhood. We grazed cows together. Her husband died a couple of years ago. She has three daughters and she lives with granddaughters. We talked a lot, and she asked me "Why God allows such severe diseases and wars?" I replied to her from Bible that is has to happen. Also, she asked about orthodox priests, why they don't teach the whole Gospel but only partly. I explained to her that they teach only that are profitable and fit for them. We prayed together, and I invited her to the congregation.

In the second picture, I met Alexey and Vladimir. They asked about my health, and I testify that God help me to walk and serve Him. I told them about my previous life and how god changed me. They came to the church for a couple of times, long time ago. I am with God 40 years and I never regret that came to God. I am so happy, and I have so many friends in around all world. I encouraged them and prayed for them. I visited some neighbors with my granddaughter. We sang together and shared the Gospel.

Let's pray for all these people whom we attended. May God touch their hearts, and they come to Jesus.

May God bless all of you, our American brothers and sisters. We love you, we value you and pray for you. Thanks for everything that you do for us!

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasily Preutesa