Dear brothers and sisters, dear missionaries of the PIEI mission, blessings of God upon all of us. We spread the Gospel to the people who don't know God, and we pray that they become to know Him. We live in those days when we got used to living without electricity and internet, during the air alarm. After pandemic, we have a war and the economy is suffering and prices increased, people don't have where to work. Talking with people, I found out that they do not seriously attitude to God.
In the first picture I met Ivan who is 75. His wife Lidia died several years ago, they don't have children. He is my old familiar, and he asked me: Are you interested, have I read the Gospel that you gave me? I replied: I`d be glad you read it a couple of times and wrote down in a notebook questions what you did not understand. That is how I did long time before. Also, you need to pray to God, may He open your mind and heart to understand His Word and learn Him close. He told me that he read the Gospel of John twice and he found interesting stories about Nicodemus and Samaritan woman. I said to him: Good. You know what does it mean to born again? You need to repent and believe in the Gospel and baptize, only then you will be saved. That is mean the true faith. And about Samaritan woman is written that true believer have to worship God in spirit and truth. But you worship icons and crosses. Then he asked me: Does Jesus accept me as I am? I replied: Sure, I will pray for you, may you know Jesus very soon. I prayed, and he repeated after me and he repented, and he began to cry after the prayer.
In the second picture, I met Yura who is 62 and Kostia who is 74. I met them before and they were interested of my health. I told them that we all live only by God’s grace, we don't deserve that, and we are weak and sinners, but Jesus loves us. Faith in Jesus and His blood clear us from each sin. Guys, read and discern the Bible. Feel free to come to the church, pray that God open up to you His peace, He loves you. We talked for an hour and prayed together.
Please pray for these men.
In the church, we parse the story of Abraham.
My family and our church pray for the mission PIE and Stef family for your spiritual and body health.
Thank you for your help to our family and to refugees.
With love, pastor missionary, Vasily Preutesa