Share Jesus to village fellows

Peace and grace to all missionaries from the PIEI mission. By your spiritual and financial support, we can serve here and are earnestly grateful to you for such partnership. You don't forget about us during the war in Ukraine. God bless all of you in the name of Jesus Christ.

In the first picture, I met Veronika close by the pharmacy. She is a widow, her husband died long time ago. He worked a plasterer like me. When Nickolay was sick 15 years ago, they asked me to renew their house. I worked there for 3 weeks. Then I talked with them about Jesus Christ, how I came to church, and how to connect with God. We told with her for a while, and she testified that she remember that conversation for 15 years ago. She reminded that I started each work day with a prayer so that God bless and protect you. She said: We don't have such a habit. And you finished a job quickly and wonderfully. So God really blessed you.

Then I asked her does she read the Bible. She replied that she reads and has a lot of questions, so she invited me to her house to get the answers. I promised her to come to her and talk more.

In the second picture, I am with Michael, I met him on a road from a store. He is 72. I once told him, don't kid with God. You will reap what you sow. I encouraged him to read the Gospel and cone to the church. And now he told me that he reads the Bible, and it is very interesting for him. He asked me a lot of questions from the Bible and I replied to him. We had great talking in a presence of the Holy Spirit.

In the third picture, I am with my granddaughter in the Vanchakauts village. We chanted some carols for Alik and Stella. I buy some milk product in them and I often talk with them about God. Since their daughter was in the camp in Boyan for a couple of times, so we talk about that and Jesus Christ. They read the Bible and sometimes attend the church. In the fourth picture, I am with my granddaughter in the Vovchanets village. We sang some carols to Valia and Dima. He is unbeliever and he sometimes attends the church. He told that he shy to come and wife doesn't want to come to church.

Let's pray about all these people and their families whom I met and visited.

We study the book of Esther with the Church.

May God bless all of you, our American brothers and sisters. We love you, we value you and pray for you. Thanks for everything that you do for us!

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasily Preutesa