Neighbors need God

Some notes about missionary activity in Ukraine for our brothers of the PIE mission and Stef family. God bless all of you. In the first picture are two of my neighbors. I was riding a bike when I saw them sitting on the bench. I stopped and started to talk with them, with Maria and Daria. In our conversation, I asked them do they read the Bible and do they discuss the Bible right here? Because the Bible is the sense of life, and it is a compass that lead us to the paradise. They asked why God allowed Russians entered to our territory and allowed them to kill us and destroy everything? How does God look at this? I answered that people don't need God, churches and temples are empty, people don't want to talk with God and to reconcile with Him. I invited them to the church to pray together for Ukraine, for the peace in our country and in our hearts. In the end, I prayed for them.

In the second picture I visited the Krigan family, on the right Anna who is 70, her husband died 5 years ago. She is sick with legs. Next to her is Galia she is a guest. We talked with them about the Bible. People don't want to read it, but once it will be taken away from them. And they will have thirsty for it. About one hour, we discussed icons and traditions.

In the third picture is Ivan he was police man and his wife Lilia she was a teacher of the literature. We talked a lot on spiritual subjects. They liked our songs. Ivan doesn't like to make a picture, but he agreed to make a picture with me. So his wife was wondered about that.

Please, pray for all these families, they are not far from God. May God reveal them Himself.

In the church, we learn a book of Judges.

May God bless all of you, our American brothers and sisters. We love you, we value you and pray for you. Thanks for everything that you do for us!

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasily Preutesa