Drug left him without anything

Grace of God on all missionaries in Ukraine and all around the world.

When I was in the store I met Alex who is 35. In the first picture. From 2003 till 2007 he sang in the children choir at church and attended children meetings and camps like in Boyan. I taught him and the other 15 children how to read the Bible and love God. I told them that God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Some of them became Christians, but another got to the net of devil. So Alex became a drug addict with his friends. He realizes that this is from devil, and he can not leave that. He divorced with his wife cause of the drugs, he has two children. Wife doesn't need such a husband and children went away from me. What do I need to do? - he asked me. I replied: how many times we talked about that you need to seek God firstly. You can not find exit without God. I help me in different situation and I never regret that I loved God. You left our church and went wherever you wanted. Your dad dead early from the alcohol. You follow your father's steps, and you don't obedient to the advices of Christians, but you listen the voice of devil. He asked me to pray for him so that he released from bondage and return his family back and come to God. We prayed together, and I invited him to the church.

In the second picture, I told with Viorina and Marina. I know Marina`s father. I told with them at their house about God's salvation. Likewise, I gave the Bible for their kids. We talked with children about a prayer before lunch and bed. They asked a lot of questions.

In the third picture we are with Agnessa, I asked her about her promise that she would read the Bible. She replied that she reads indeed and started the book Act and she asked what is this about? I explained her briefly and said that I pray about her and her parents.

Pray all these people, may they seek God.

We read the Psalm with the church.

May God bless all of you, our American brothers and sisters. We love you, we value you and pray for you. Thanks for everything that you do for us!

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasily Preutesa