My village mates need Christ

God`s blessings to all missionaries of the mission PIE and to those who support us spiritually and financially here in Ukraine.

In the first picture, I talk with Georgiy, who is from 1955 and who is my old familiar. We often talk about the Bible when we meet. I asked him about his promise that he would start to read the New Testament. And he replied that he started to read the Gospel of Matthew and had read about John Baptist. Did you notice that firstly you need to repent and after that get the baptism? - I asked him. Because at our orthodox churches they firstly give baptism and forget about the repentance. He replied that he started to see faults of his orthodox church and differences with the Scripture. I prayed with him and invited to the church.

In the second picture, I met Evgeniya, who is from 1946, who was cleaning her front yard. We started talk about spiritual subject that we are people who are going to die soon. Your family is kind and polite, but you need to believe in Jesus to be saved. We talked about 30 minutes about God`s love and His sacrifice. Told her that customs are from the people, but not from God. I prayed that God revealed her and her family to His path. I invited her to the church.

Pray all these people, may they seek God.

We read the Psalm with the church.

May God bless all of you, our American brothers and sisters. We love you, we value you and pray for you. Thanks for everything that you do for us!

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasily Preutesa