A soul came to Jesus


Greetings to you dear brothers and sisters in the Name of Jesus Christ. Your brother and minister, Gregory Kioresko, is addressing you.

I am very grateful to my God for the fact that He blessed me and my family, that He blessed the ministry that He entrusted. I thank God for leading me, and for me it is a great privilege to serve such a God.

I constantly thank God for you, dear ones, for praying for me, supporting me in prayer and financially.

Recently, I have visited many Churches in our area, where we could rejoice, encourage each other, help choose ministers, deacons and pastors, and ordain ministers for ministry.

I preached at funerals and evangelistic services where I saw tears of repentance.

Recently, I have been doing social work in our Churches in the region. I organized grocery packages for the poor, widows with children, and preached to people, and showed how good our God is. Many of them thanked God with tears for His kindness.

Now I have begun preparing for baptism, and we pray for this ministry that the Lord will be glorified.

Prayer needs:

  • Pray for the candidates for baptism, that God will strengthen their faith, so that they will testify before the people.

  • Pray for those who come to our service, but cannot decide to repent.

  • Pray for me, for my family, that God will keep us, and to be faithful to Him in everything. Pray that the Lord would give me wisdom, in any decision, so that he could remain in His will.

On this I will finish writing. Stay with the Lord, and He is blessed.

With love to you, the Kioresco family.

Visiting of the region


Dear brothers and sisters of the USA, I greet you with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. By His grace, we can do something for His glory. I consider it a great privilege to serve Him, to be a co-worker with God, this is a great honor for me. I thank God and for your service, being so far away in body, but so close in spirit, your prayers and your finances, without which we would not have been able to reach such heights. Blessings to you dear ...

With God's help, I was able to visit 7 Churches in our area, in some of them we held elections for deacons and pastors, in others ordination over deacons and pastors, and I am very glad that God is raising new ministers and filling the ranks of ministers.

I preached at 5 funerals, where there were a lot of people, they heard the Word of God, the Gospel of salvation. Four of these deceased died from covid. At one funeral, where an unbeliever woman died, but I don’t know what meeting she had with Christ in this illness, she told her husband, daughter, mother that the funeral should be held by believers, and they are completely unbelievers, but they listened and fulfilled her last request, and invited us. It was a miracle how people listened, a lot of people, colleagues at work. She was 43 years old.

In the church of the village of Rakitnoe, thank God, we gather 4 times during the week and 2 times on Sunday. Every Thursday, meeting with the youth, and brother Andrei Petihachny is engaged with them, and we notice that the youth began to look more for the Face of God.

We fed 362 patients in a mental hospital, we organized this by our Church, where our sisters cooked. Everyone who participated to a greater or lesser extent in this project was very pleased.

Pray for us friends:

  • For the awakening of the Church.

  • For the awakening of our village, so that people come to repentance. People stopped coming to the Lord, pray for this.

  • For me, so that the Lord would give wisdom in every matter, for my family, so that they remain faithful to the end.

  • For our country, so that the war stops so that our wars do not die.

Be blessed, my dear ones, and may the Lord keep us from all kinds of evil, and so that through our life our Lord may be glorified.

Love to you, Kioresco family.

Funeral services


I greet you brothers and sisters with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Gregory Kioresko is writing to you, minister.

I am very grateful to the Lord for His blessings that are pouring down from heaven and for the favorable time to serve God and people.

During this time, the Church and I served for 15 poor families. We made grocery bags and were able to go to their house and tell them about God.

The sisters of our Church cooked lunch and brought it to the Rehabilitation Center for alcohol addiction, and had a very blessed time there. Preached and sang hymns.

During this time, I visited 8 centers in our region, where in some of them deacons and pastors were elected, and the time and date of ordination was ordered. I visited a church in the village of Kotilevo, where our brother Igor Dzyadik works, and in the town of Novoselitsa, where our brother Valery Popov works, we rejoiced together, praised God for all the blessings from heaven. It was a very blessed time.


During this time, I preached at 4 funeral services, where many people listened to the word of God.

In our church, we continue to work with children; one teenage group and one junior group. We also meet with young people every Thursday to analyze the word of God. For this youth ministry, I encouraged Andrey Petihachny, and I am glad that they succeed.

In the family, thank God, everything is fine, we pray for you, and we thank God for you, for your prayers, and financial support. We ask you to pray for:

For me, so that God would grant strength and wisdom in ministry, in solving any problems in different Churches.

For the family, to remain faithful to the end.

For Janick and his mother Lily, so that God would give repentance. They have been attending our Church for a long time, but have not yet repented.

Once again I thank you for your prayers and for all the blessings from you.

May God bless and reward you too.

Love to you, Kioresco family.

He left 7 orphans


Greetings with the love of Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters. This is writing to you, minister, Kioresko Grigory. I thank God for the fact that He, by His mercy, chose me, separated me from this world, and made Him a servant, by His mercy and grace. With His help, we lived for one year, and already in this new year, I could see so many of His works.

We celebrated the holiday of birth on December 25 and January 7. It was a blessed time. On December 25, we decided with the Church to feed the sick in the psychiatric hospital. We made a holiday for them too: we fed 340 patients, they were very happy, and the manager thanked us very much for this, but despite the pandemic, she says, the patients are hungry, because they give them very little and scanty food.

From December 24 to January 10, we had a service every day with the Church, during this time, I visited many members of the Church and the sick.

Young people and children had a rich program in the Church and in the village, evangelizing people.

During this time, I preached at 3 funerals. At one funeral in our village, my brother, 37 years old, broke into a car, and 7 orphans were left. Almost the entire village was present at this funeral, a lot of people.

I have visited 5 Churches in the area.

Last week I was in Transcarpathia, in the village of Zarichye, where I signed a contract with the Dobra Zvistka mission for Christian literature for evangelism, and calendars. Here are the privileges for us that they can print for us both in the Romanian and Ukrainian languages.

Everything is good in me, thank God for my health and strength to work, works in the field of God.

Pray brothers and sisters for our ministry. So that God would give repentance in our village and region, and the whole country, so that people would seek God.

For me, so that the Lord would give wisdom and strength in ministry.

For the family, so that the Lord will keep everyone clean.

I thank God for you, in my prayers, I pray for you, and I hope to meet here on earth, or in heaven. Be blessed.

With love for you: the Kioresko family.

Gifts for have-nots


Greetings brothers and sisters, with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Gregory Kioresko writes for you

I am glad that I can share with you the joys in the Lord. In every prayer, I thank God for you, because I feel your prayers, because when I sleep, and at this moment, someone is praying for me, this is a great blessing for me. I thank God for blessing me through you materially.

Recently, I have preached at 5 funeral services, 4 in our region, and 1 in the Transcarpathian region. The pastor of the church of Kam'yany village died there. There were over a thousand people, and I had such grace to preach there. Also in our area, I preached 4 funeral services.

I also preached at the evangelization in the village of Sterche, there they celebrated 90 years of the Church, there were a lot of people, the leadership of the village and the region.

This week, I bought 1200kg of onion and distributed it to the poor and to those villages where there was a flood.

I also distributed grocery bags to the poor and the have-nots.


On the 25th, the Church of the village of Rakitnoye and I fed all the patients in the psychiatric hospital. We wish to make joy and celebration for these patients who have been deprived of this holiday.

Prayer Needs:

  • Please pray for this project, because it is very difficult now to get there to these people.

  • Pray for me, namely that the Lord would grant wisdom, endurance in all problems.

  • Pray for my family, for my wife? She is a little sick, we need your prayers.

  • Pray for three friends who come to our Church, to the village of Rakitnoe, but do not dare to repent in any way, these are mother and son, Lilia and son Yanik, and Alena. Pray for them.

Once again, I thank you for your prayers, for your support, for what you are.

With love to you, the Kioresko family.

Heat to cold houses


I greet you, dear brothers and sisters, with the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Gregory Kioresko, a minister of the Church of Christ, is addressing you.

I always thank God, in prayer, for you, and I feel great support from your prayers. In this difficult time, we need your prayers.

During this time, with God's help, I organized and carried by bus, food, and a lot of clothes, for the people who suffered from the flood, they thanked God for all the gifts. Now it got colder, and for many, the water carried away the wood that had been prepared, and there was nothing to heat with, so I bought 14 electric convectors, and gave them, you know, some kissed this convector. I thank God for the fact that He deigned me to be near these people, to see their tears, and sorrows, but also tears of joy.

During this time, I preached at three funerals where people could hear the Word of God.

Also, I visited two Churches, where there was the ordination to deacons in one Church, where the Church chose 7 deacons as in the first Church. And in the second Church, ordination to the pastoral ministry. Together with the brothers, we prayed and blessed these ministers.

We gather together in our Church, until this moment, few have passed this virus.


In the family, everything is fine, thank God, we pray together, we praise God together, we pray and thank God for you.

Please pray for:

  • For our country, so that God would heal it.

  • For the Church, which so wants to become like this world, so that they can distinguish between the clean and the unclean.

  • For my ministry, I have to preach a lot in the Ukrainian-speaking Churches, pray that God will untie the tongue for preaching.

  • For my family, so that they remain faithful to the Lord until the end of our days.

On this I will finish writing. Be blessed. With love to you, the Kioresko family.

Evangelization in the Revne village


Greetings to you brothers and sisters in the Name of Jesus Christ. Gregory Kioresko is addressing you, minister. With God's help, the first month of autumn has passed, and during this time, I have seen so many blessings from God, glory to Him. I am very grateful to God for you, who, next to me in your prayers, but also with your money, which we can serve the Church. I feel the power of your prayers, so be blessed.


Recently, with God's help, I organized two evangelizations in the village of Revne, where people and their homes were flooded. There were about 150 people on the first day, and on the second, about a hundred. I preached there, the sisters sang a few psalms, and then we gave them a carrot, a beet, and an onion, 5 kg each. I praise God for the fact that God deigned me to be near these people, to cry, and rejoice with them.

And we also celebrated the day of the harvest in our Church, there was a blessed service, and gratitude to God for the fruits that the earth gave us. We also collected money and a lot of food, the sisters baked various cookies, then bought a lot of food in the store and took them to a psychiatric hospital. Friends, what we saw is scary. The sick are hungry, they are almost not fed, I cannot tell you this. I talked to the senior chef of the hospital, and she said how many hryvnias they feed for a day. I'm afraid even to write, but I will say that I can not resist crying.

During this time, he visited 4 Churches in different districts of the region. Pastors and deacons were elected there, and pastors and deacons were ordained.

In the family, thank God, everyone is healthy, we all serve God, for which we are very grateful to God.


I ask you to pray for:

  • My family so that they remain faithful to the end, and that they do not compromise with the world.

  • For me, so that God would give me wisdom and strength in ministry, to be an example in any business and in any decision.

  • For the Church that I serve, a mother and son have come for a long time, but they will not dare to repent, and one young woman also. Their names are mother and son, Lilia and Yanik, and Alena. Pray for their repentance.

And I thank you in advance for your prayers for us. Be blessed. With love to you, the Kioresko family.


Alive bread for needy


I greet you brothers and sisters, in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The servant of God, Gregory Kioresko, is writing to you. With gratitude in my heart, I am writing these lines for you to share with you my experiences with my God. There are no words to thank the Lord for all the blessings. I thank God for you, dear ones, because I feel the power of your prayers. I want to tell you that I thank God and for your financial support, without which I would not be able to do what I am doing now.


1. Recently, I have visited 4 Churches in the area where I preached the Gospel. We chose and approved for the ministry of deacons and pastors. Thank God, friends, for the fact that, in this difficult time for us, in our Churches, God raises men to this ministry.

2. As before, I go to those villages where the water has caused a lot of trouble. I buy groceries, I bought chickens and distributed them to people, also potatoes and carrots.

Please pray:

1. For me and my family, so that we can serve people, for strength in preaching and for wisdom from the Lord.

2. We are planning to do an evangelism in the village of Revne. Pray that God would give a word to these people.

Thank you again for everything that God blesses me through you.

With love for you Kioresko family.


Baptism in Rokitne


Greetings brothers and sisters in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The servant of Jesus Christ Gregory Kioresko is writing to you. I thank the Lord for His mercy on me and my family. In my prayers, I thank God for you, thank you for your prayers, for your help you give us and for your care for us. By doing this, we can work, proclaim the good news, so that the Kingdom of God is expanded.

1. I still work in the villages where there was a flood, I bring food. Packages for people, in the Name of the Lord, and clothes. People gather, we preach, we sing, and then we distribute these packages to them. Today I bought 100 chickens, large ones, and brought them back to those who had chickens, but the water flooded. You have no idea how much joy I saw today. I told people: This is in the Name of Jesus Christ, and when you feed them, every time thank God for His love for you, and seek Him.

2. On August 23, we had a big holiday in our Church - baptism. Two young people, a sister and a brother, promised to serve God with a good conscience. There were many non-believers. Brother Pavel Petihachny was at this service, preaching the Gospel to the people. My children, Benjamin and Estera and groups of young siblings, praised the Lord with psalms.

3. This week, I visited one more family of the pastor, where we prayed together, thought different things about the ministry, encouraged each other, and I could again see how hard our pastors live, and how difficult it is for them, but the Lord gives strength, and they don't give back.

4. Prayer Needs:

1) Pray, dear ones, for these people who went through the flood, to whom I preach, so that they will receive salvation.


2) pray for the people who on Sunday, during the evangelization, listened to the word of God, and that many of my fellow villagers would accept Salvation in Christ.

3) pray for me, for the ministry which with God's help I carry, and for our brothers, ministers, pastors.

4) pray for my family that the Lord would give physical health to children, and Spiritual strength to everyone. 5) pray for our country, for the repentance of the people of Ukraine.

Thank you again for everything, dear ones. Be blessed. With love for you Kioresko family.


Baptism in the Grozintsi village


Greetings with love of Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters. Grigory Kioresko is writing for you. Every day I thank in my prayers before God, for you dear ones, for your prayers, for your support, for your prayers. Without your support, without your prayers, I would not have done so much.

By the grace of God, I have visited 6 Churches in the area.

On August 9, I was in the Church of the village of Grozintsi, and preached there, and conducted baptism, and at the end of the service, three more sisters repented. Thank God.

A day later I go to the flooded villages and take bread, water, and something to eat, and yesterday I brought a full bus with clothes and shoes.


I also visited three families of pastors in our area and had a very good time together, talking about blessings and everything. Pastors need fellowship.

I preached at 3 funeral services, at one of the funerals, in the village of Podvirnoe, I took my brother Igor Dzyadik with me, and he preached at the funeral, there were very many people who listened to the word of God.

Prayer Needs:

1. I will go to the Putilsky district, the village of Rostock, where I will preach and perform baptism. Pray for me and for this ministry

2. On August 23, in the village of Rakitnoe, we will have a baptism at the stadium, in the very center of the village. We're doing baptism and evangelistic ministry. Pray for me because Satan is already at war. Pray for me that God would give wisdom in my work, for the awakening of the Church, and people from our village.

Once again I thank you in advance for praying.

With love to all of you, the Kioresco family.
