Baptism in Rokitne


Greetings brothers and sisters in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The servant of Jesus Christ Gregory Kioresko is writing to you. I thank the Lord for His mercy on me and my family. In my prayers, I thank God for you, thank you for your prayers, for your help you give us and for your care for us. By doing this, we can work, proclaim the good news, so that the Kingdom of God is expanded.

1. I still work in the villages where there was a flood, I bring food. Packages for people, in the Name of the Lord, and clothes. People gather, we preach, we sing, and then we distribute these packages to them. Today I bought 100 chickens, large ones, and brought them back to those who had chickens, but the water flooded. You have no idea how much joy I saw today. I told people: This is in the Name of Jesus Christ, and when you feed them, every time thank God for His love for you, and seek Him.

2. On August 23, we had a big holiday in our Church - baptism. Two young people, a sister and a brother, promised to serve God with a good conscience. There were many non-believers. Brother Pavel Petihachny was at this service, preaching the Gospel to the people. My children, Benjamin and Estera and groups of young siblings, praised the Lord with psalms.

3. This week, I visited one more family of the pastor, where we prayed together, thought different things about the ministry, encouraged each other, and I could again see how hard our pastors live, and how difficult it is for them, but the Lord gives strength, and they don't give back.

4. Prayer Needs:

1) Pray, dear ones, for these people who went through the flood, to whom I preach, so that they will receive salvation.


2) pray for the people who on Sunday, during the evangelization, listened to the word of God, and that many of my fellow villagers would accept Salvation in Christ.

3) pray for me, for the ministry which with God's help I carry, and for our brothers, ministers, pastors.

4) pray for my family that the Lord would give physical health to children, and Spiritual strength to everyone. 5) pray for our country, for the repentance of the people of Ukraine.

Thank you again for everything, dear ones. Be blessed. With love for you Kioresko family.
