Alive bread for needy


I greet you brothers and sisters, in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The servant of God, Gregory Kioresko, is writing to you. With gratitude in my heart, I am writing these lines for you to share with you my experiences with my God. There are no words to thank the Lord for all the blessings. I thank God for you, dear ones, because I feel the power of your prayers. I want to tell you that I thank God and for your financial support, without which I would not be able to do what I am doing now.


1. Recently, I have visited 4 Churches in the area where I preached the Gospel. We chose and approved for the ministry of deacons and pastors. Thank God, friends, for the fact that, in this difficult time for us, in our Churches, God raises men to this ministry.

2. As before, I go to those villages where the water has caused a lot of trouble. I buy groceries, I bought chickens and distributed them to people, also potatoes and carrots.

Please pray:

1. For me and my family, so that we can serve people, for strength in preaching and for wisdom from the Lord.

2. We are planning to do an evangelism in the village of Revne. Pray that God would give a word to these people.

Thank you again for everything that God blesses me through you.

With love for you Kioresko family.
