Evangelization in the Revne village


Greetings to you brothers and sisters in the Name of Jesus Christ. Gregory Kioresko is addressing you, minister. With God's help, the first month of autumn has passed, and during this time, I have seen so many blessings from God, glory to Him. I am very grateful to God for you, who, next to me in your prayers, but also with your money, which we can serve the Church. I feel the power of your prayers, so be blessed.


Recently, with God's help, I organized two evangelizations in the village of Revne, where people and their homes were flooded. There were about 150 people on the first day, and on the second, about a hundred. I preached there, the sisters sang a few psalms, and then we gave them a carrot, a beet, and an onion, 5 kg each. I praise God for the fact that God deigned me to be near these people, to cry, and rejoice with them.

And we also celebrated the day of the harvest in our Church, there was a blessed service, and gratitude to God for the fruits that the earth gave us. We also collected money and a lot of food, the sisters baked various cookies, then bought a lot of food in the store and took them to a psychiatric hospital. Friends, what we saw is scary. The sick are hungry, they are almost not fed, I cannot tell you this. I talked to the senior chef of the hospital, and she said how many hryvnias they feed for a day. I'm afraid even to write, but I will say that I can not resist crying.

During this time, he visited 4 Churches in different districts of the region. Pastors and deacons were elected there, and pastors and deacons were ordained.

In the family, thank God, everyone is healthy, we all serve God, for which we are very grateful to God.


I ask you to pray for:

  • My family so that they remain faithful to the end, and that they do not compromise with the world.

  • For me, so that God would give me wisdom and strength in ministry, to be an example in any business and in any decision.

  • For the Church that I serve, a mother and son have come for a long time, but they will not dare to repent, and one young woman also. Their names are mother and son, Lilia and Yanik, and Alena. Pray for their repentance.

And I thank you in advance for your prayers for us. Be blessed. With love to you, the Kioresko family.
