Heat to cold houses


I greet you, dear brothers and sisters, with the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Gregory Kioresko, a minister of the Church of Christ, is addressing you.

I always thank God, in prayer, for you, and I feel great support from your prayers. In this difficult time, we need your prayers.

During this time, with God's help, I organized and carried by bus, food, and a lot of clothes, for the people who suffered from the flood, they thanked God for all the gifts. Now it got colder, and for many, the water carried away the wood that had been prepared, and there was nothing to heat with, so I bought 14 electric convectors, and gave them, you know, some kissed this convector. I thank God for the fact that He deigned me to be near these people, to see their tears, and sorrows, but also tears of joy.

During this time, I preached at three funerals where people could hear the Word of God.

Also, I visited two Churches, where there was the ordination to deacons in one Church, where the Church chose 7 deacons as in the first Church. And in the second Church, ordination to the pastoral ministry. Together with the brothers, we prayed and blessed these ministers.

We gather together in our Church, until this moment, few have passed this virus.


In the family, everything is fine, thank God, we pray together, we praise God together, we pray and thank God for you.

Please pray for:

  • For our country, so that God would heal it.

  • For the Church, which so wants to become like this world, so that they can distinguish between the clean and the unclean.

  • For my ministry, I have to preach a lot in the Ukrainian-speaking Churches, pray that God will untie the tongue for preaching.

  • For my family, so that they remain faithful to the Lord until the end of our days.

On this I will finish writing. Be blessed. With love to you, the Kioresko family.