Gifts for have-nots


Greetings brothers and sisters, with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Gregory Kioresko writes for you

I am glad that I can share with you the joys in the Lord. In every prayer, I thank God for you, because I feel your prayers, because when I sleep, and at this moment, someone is praying for me, this is a great blessing for me. I thank God for blessing me through you materially.

Recently, I have preached at 5 funeral services, 4 in our region, and 1 in the Transcarpathian region. The pastor of the church of Kam'yany village died there. There were over a thousand people, and I had such grace to preach there. Also in our area, I preached 4 funeral services.

I also preached at the evangelization in the village of Sterche, there they celebrated 90 years of the Church, there were a lot of people, the leadership of the village and the region.

This week, I bought 1200kg of onion and distributed it to the poor and to those villages where there was a flood.

I also distributed grocery bags to the poor and the have-nots.


On the 25th, the Church of the village of Rakitnoye and I fed all the patients in the psychiatric hospital. We wish to make joy and celebration for these patients who have been deprived of this holiday.

Prayer Needs:

  • Please pray for this project, because it is very difficult now to get there to these people.

  • Pray for me, namely that the Lord would grant wisdom, endurance in all problems.

  • Pray for my family, for my wife? She is a little sick, we need your prayers.

  • Pray for three friends who come to our Church, to the village of Rakitnoe, but do not dare to repent in any way, these are mother and son, Lilia and son Yanik, and Alena. Pray for them.

Once again, I thank you for your prayers, for your support, for what you are.

With love to you, the Kioresko family.