He left 7 orphans


Greetings with the love of Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters. This is writing to you, minister, Kioresko Grigory. I thank God for the fact that He, by His mercy, chose me, separated me from this world, and made Him a servant, by His mercy and grace. With His help, we lived for one year, and already in this new year, I could see so many of His works.

We celebrated the holiday of birth on December 25 and January 7. It was a blessed time. On December 25, we decided with the Church to feed the sick in the psychiatric hospital. We made a holiday for them too: we fed 340 patients, they were very happy, and the manager thanked us very much for this, but despite the pandemic, she says, the patients are hungry, because they give them very little and scanty food.

From December 24 to January 10, we had a service every day with the Church, during this time, I visited many members of the Church and the sick.

Young people and children had a rich program in the Church and in the village, evangelizing people.

During this time, I preached at 3 funerals. At one funeral in our village, my brother, 37 years old, broke into a car, and 7 orphans were left. Almost the entire village was present at this funeral, a lot of people.

I have visited 5 Churches in the area.

Last week I was in Transcarpathia, in the village of Zarichye, where I signed a contract with the Dobra Zvistka mission for Christian literature for evangelism, and calendars. Here are the privileges for us that they can print for us both in the Romanian and Ukrainian languages.

Everything is good in me, thank God for my health and strength to work, works in the field of God.

Pray brothers and sisters for our ministry. So that God would give repentance in our village and region, and the whole country, so that people would seek God.

For me, so that the Lord would give wisdom and strength in ministry.

For the family, so that the Lord will keep everyone clean.

I thank God for you, in my prayers, I pray for you, and I hope to meet here on earth, or in heaven. Be blessed.

With love for you: the Kioresko family.