Funeral services


I greet you brothers and sisters with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Gregory Kioresko is writing to you, minister.

I am very grateful to the Lord for His blessings that are pouring down from heaven and for the favorable time to serve God and people.

During this time, the Church and I served for 15 poor families. We made grocery bags and were able to go to their house and tell them about God.

The sisters of our Church cooked lunch and brought it to the Rehabilitation Center for alcohol addiction, and had a very blessed time there. Preached and sang hymns.

During this time, I visited 8 centers in our region, where in some of them deacons and pastors were elected, and the time and date of ordination was ordered. I visited a church in the village of Kotilevo, where our brother Igor Dzyadik works, and in the town of Novoselitsa, where our brother Valery Popov works, we rejoiced together, praised God for all the blessings from heaven. It was a very blessed time.


During this time, I preached at 4 funeral services, where many people listened to the word of God.

In our church, we continue to work with children; one teenage group and one junior group. We also meet with young people every Thursday to analyze the word of God. For this youth ministry, I encouraged Andrey Petihachny, and I am glad that they succeed.

In the family, thank God, everything is fine, we pray for you, and we thank God for you, for your prayers, and financial support. We ask you to pray for:

For me, so that God would grant strength and wisdom in ministry, in solving any problems in different Churches.

For the family, to remain faithful to the end.

For Janick and his mother Lily, so that God would give repentance. They have been attending our Church for a long time, but have not yet repented.

Once again I thank you for your prayers and for all the blessings from you.

May God bless and reward you too.

Love to you, Kioresco family.