Visiting of the region


Dear brothers and sisters of the USA, I greet you with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. By His grace, we can do something for His glory. I consider it a great privilege to serve Him, to be a co-worker with God, this is a great honor for me. I thank God and for your service, being so far away in body, but so close in spirit, your prayers and your finances, without which we would not have been able to reach such heights. Blessings to you dear ...

With God's help, I was able to visit 7 Churches in our area, in some of them we held elections for deacons and pastors, in others ordination over deacons and pastors, and I am very glad that God is raising new ministers and filling the ranks of ministers.

I preached at 5 funerals, where there were a lot of people, they heard the Word of God, the Gospel of salvation. Four of these deceased died from covid. At one funeral, where an unbeliever woman died, but I don’t know what meeting she had with Christ in this illness, she told her husband, daughter, mother that the funeral should be held by believers, and they are completely unbelievers, but they listened and fulfilled her last request, and invited us. It was a miracle how people listened, a lot of people, colleagues at work. She was 43 years old.

In the church of the village of Rakitnoe, thank God, we gather 4 times during the week and 2 times on Sunday. Every Thursday, meeting with the youth, and brother Andrei Petihachny is engaged with them, and we notice that the youth began to look more for the Face of God.

We fed 362 patients in a mental hospital, we organized this by our Church, where our sisters cooked. Everyone who participated to a greater or lesser extent in this project was very pleased.

Pray for us friends:

  • For the awakening of the Church.

  • For the awakening of our village, so that people come to repentance. People stopped coming to the Lord, pray for this.

  • For me, so that the Lord would give wisdom in every matter, for my family, so that they remain faithful to the end.

  • For our country, so that the war stops so that our wars do not die.

Be blessed, my dear ones, and may the Lord keep us from all kinds of evil, and so that through our life our Lord may be glorified.

Love to you, Kioresco family.