Baptism in the Grozintsi village


Greetings with love of Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters. Grigory Kioresko is writing for you. Every day I thank in my prayers before God, for you dear ones, for your prayers, for your support, for your prayers. Without your support, without your prayers, I would not have done so much.

By the grace of God, I have visited 6 Churches in the area.

On August 9, I was in the Church of the village of Grozintsi, and preached there, and conducted baptism, and at the end of the service, three more sisters repented. Thank God.

A day later I go to the flooded villages and take bread, water, and something to eat, and yesterday I brought a full bus with clothes and shoes.


I also visited three families of pastors in our area and had a very good time together, talking about blessings and everything. Pastors need fellowship.

I preached at 3 funeral services, at one of the funerals, in the village of Podvirnoe, I took my brother Igor Dzyadik with me, and he preached at the funeral, there were very many people who listened to the word of God.

Prayer Needs:

1. I will go to the Putilsky district, the village of Rostock, where I will preach and perform baptism. Pray for me and for this ministry

2. On August 23, in the village of Rakitnoe, we will have a baptism at the stadium, in the very center of the village. We're doing baptism and evangelistic ministry. Pray for me because Satan is already at war. Pray for me that God would give wisdom in my work, for the awakening of the Church, and people from our village.

Once again I thank you in advance for praying.

With love to all of you, the Kioresco family.
