Help for victims of flood


We greet you brothers and sisters with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. By the grace of God, I can once again share with you the power and love of our Lord, where I could notice and taste His love.

I give a thank you to God the Father, for you, my dear ones, for your prayer and material support. Your prayers and your financial support are expanding the boundaries of the Lord's kingdom. I thank you for expanding God's kingdom with us.


In our Church, we are preparing 3 souls for baptism, I think that on August 23 or 30, we will baptize them. While preparing, I teach them. I teach lessons with all the young people, and they asked me to teach them how to prepare to preach, and I am very happy for their desire.

Last Sunday I was in the church in the city of Kelmentsy, there was an ordination and a prayer of blessing for two deacons. I go every other day to the villages where there was a flood. I buy groceries, make grocery bags, and my family helps with this, and I bring this to people who suffered in the village of Striletskiy Kut and the village of Revne. I also invited brother Pavel Petihachny to help distribute and preach to them, and thank God many people heard the Word of God.

Prayer Needs:

- I ask you to pray for my ministry, to be near these people who need food and water, and that God would open their hearts to accept Him as the savior of the soul.

- Pray for souls preparing for baptism and for the baptismal ministry.

- Pray for me that the Lord would give strength and wisdom to the ministers, for my family, and for the settlement of the artetic pressure of my wife.

Once again I thank you for everything, and I pray for you. Be blessed.

Love to you, the Kioresko family.
