Social ministry


Greetings brothers and sisters in the Name of Jesus Christ. The servant of God, Gregory Kioresko, is writing for you. I thank God for the opportunity to share about His works and miracles. I thank My God for you, for the fact that you are so distant in body, but so close in Spirit, prayers, and with your money we are so close. Thank God for you. I pray for you constantly.

1. In our Church, we are preparing for baptism, we have two sisters and a brother. Thank God!


2. During this time, my wife and I visited the family of the pastor of the church in the village of Grozentsy. We talked, prayed, and planned their baptism too.

3. Last Sunday, I visited 3 Churches of the Kelmenets region, these are: the villages of Kelmentsy, Novoselytsia, and Putrino. With God's help, I preached there and we rejoiced in Christ.

4. Since we had a flood in our region, many people flooded their gardens and houses. People have nothing to drink, nothing to eat, because the gardens are flooded, then it is a very good time to say about Jesus Christ. In our community, I am engaged in social service. With God's help, I make grocery bags, and I bring them to people in the name of Jesus Christ, I talk about Christ, and they listen and thank God for everything.

5. Pray dear ones for:

  • For our country, for the people of our region, who are now in trouble, so that the Lord helps them through His Church.

  • For me, so that the Lord would give wisdom in everything, and strength for His work.

  • For baptism in our Church and in other churches.

  • For my family, for all children, so that they remain in God's ministry.

Be blessed.

Love to you, the Kioresko family.
