Help for flood victims


I greet the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, our dear brothers and sisters. Turns to you, Gregory Chioresko. I thank God constantly for you dear ones, for your prayers and for your help.

The Church and I are already gathering in full observance of quarantine standards as much as we can. The Church is preparing for baptism, I am very happy for the two young people who declared their desire to be baptized.


Last Sunday I visited three Churches of the Kelmenetsky district. Flooding is again in our region. In our region, 9 villages were partially in the water, but two villages had a lot of water, flooded both houses and gardens. I am now engaged in these villages, I bring grocery bags, drinking water. I organize by cleaning the swamp after the water leaves.


For example, in the village of Mamaliga, sister Alina and brother Vitalik help distribute food to these people. In two villages there was a lot of water and flooded the houses and everything in the houses.

Pray dear for:

1) baptism in our Church, and in other Church areas.

2) for these villages that are in a flood, so that the Lord will help me to be near them, and help the most necessary.

3) so that these people see God in it.

4) for me and my family. So that the Lord will give me wisdom in everything.

Once again, thank you very much for not forgetting us. Sincerely, The Kyoresco Family.
