Blessing of the child


I greet you dear brothers and sisters, in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The minister of the Church, Grigory Chioresko, writes for you.

Praise the Lord dear friends, for all the blessings that our Lord sends every day. Every day, I thank God in prayer for you, who pray for me, and for my family, and the Church in which I serve.

In our Church, youth began to preach, organized youth services in the Church, they preach and sing themselves. I am very grateful to the Lord for them.

This week I had the privilege to preach at the funeral in the village of Kotelev, where brother Igor Dzyadik serves and he invited me. There were many people who listened to the Word of God.


And this Sunday, in our Church, there was a ministry for the family, all the teachings for parents and children, and then they had the ministry of blessing the baby Elisha. It was a blessed service.

Recently, I visited two churches in our area. I visited the pastor’s family with Grozinci, and they were at my house, and had a blessed time with them.

The Church and I began to gather to serve in the house of prayer, and the brothers and sisters are very happy for this. I made an announcement for those who want to be baptized, and we will prepare.

Please pray for:

1. Our youth, so that they also remain active on.

2. Pray that we can perform the baptism, because there may be obstacles due to quarantine.

3. Pray for me that the Lord will grant me wisdom in ministry, strength, and patience.

4. Pray for the health of our family.

Be blessed all. With love to you, the Kyoresko family.
