We are blessed in the quarantine conditions


I greet you, brothers and sisters, with the love of our Jesus Christ.

With God's help, the spring passed, and thanks to the grace of God, I could serve the Church in these difficult quarantine conditions. Just like before we were going to serve in groups, I also visit all six groups, in turn.

And in this situation, we see great blessings from God. Namely: there is the opportunity to preach in homes where there are unbelievers, or neighbors come to listen to the word of God. Recently, I have been preaching at three funerals. There were many people who listened to the word of God.

I also had two meetings with two families of pastors. I talked with them, prayed, encouraged them in the ministry, and it was a very blessed time.

One more thing, during this time I could spend more time in the family, with children and grandchildren, thank God for everything.

Pray further brothers and sisters for me, that the Lord will grant me wisdom in ministry, strength, and power in His Word.

Pray for my family, for Church, for awakening her and for our Church youth.

I constantly thank the Lord for you, for your prayers for me. I feel and believe in the power of prayer. Blessed be my dears.

With love to you, the Kioresko family.
