All Church serves God


Greetings with the love of the Lord Jesus Christ, brothers and sisters.

By the grace of God, and His grace, I was able to serve His Church, and in these difficult times.

The Church of Christ in the village of Rakitnoye, we are going to continue in groups, we have 6 groups. Each group has a senior, and I go to each group in turn. Thank God for such times, because I see all members of the Church working in the Church. Everyone prays, everyone sings, a poem is told and everyone reads the Bible.                    

I organized a meeting with young people, every Thursday, everyone serves, and the brothers preach. Thank God.

I visit the members of the Church at home, organize help for the lonely, and spend a lot of time alone with God, and these are precious moments of life, being oneness with God.

Prayer Needs:

- Pray brothers and sisters for our country, for peace in our country, for the Church, for the unity of the Church, at this difficult time.

- Pray for my family, that God will keep the peace in it. “Pray for me, for wisdom from God, for seeing how to feed His lambs.”

- Pray that I and my family, and the Church in which I serve, and you, dear ones, see all the saints in heaven, amen. Stay with the Lord dear.

With love to you, the Kioresko family.
