Home groups


I greet you, dear brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am very happy to greet you again, and to thank you for your prayers, for being near me, in prayer, and God accepted our and your prayers.

We can say that my family has been sick for almost a month, everyone has a fever, cough, and everything else, but thank God, He gave health, and we are safe and sound, thank God.

During this time, we divided the Church into six groups, in each group 13-15 brothers and sisters, we are going home, and one group, in the house of prayer, also on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday, morning and afternoon.

Many of the members of the Church have also gone through this disease, and now they have recovered. During this time, one brother died, and we had a funeral, where the Lord arranged a good evangelism. Thank God.

Brothers and sisters, I beg you to pray for our church, that God will maintain unity between the groups,

-Pray so that they can return to the House of Prayer faster.

-Pray for my family for the Lord to give us the power to serve God together.

-Pray for me that the Lord will give wisdom from above, strength, to lead this people of God, right, and not to lose anyone.

Blessed friends ... with love to all of YOU, the Kioresko family.
