Conference “Do not waste your life in vain”


Brothers and sisters, I greet you with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank the Lord for the opportunity to share with you God's blessings that He pours on me.

I am very glad that you are a participant in all the blessings. I thank you for your prayers for me, I feel support in work, in preaching, and strength before all kinds of temptations. For this howl, I preached at two funerals, in the village of Kolenkivtsi, and in the village of Tarasovtsy. There were a lot of people who heard about God.

On the seventh, they organized in the Khotinsky district, in the village of Kolenkivtsi, a district conference where pastors, deacons and preachers gathered. There were about 70 ministers where I spent a lesson with them. The atmosphere was very warm, I spoke with them about the five sources of power that are described in the Bible. Then he had a warm conversation with them, there were questions and answers. It was blessed.

On the 14th of this month there was a conference of ministers of the Khotyn district too, “Do not waste your life in vain” there were about 300 people, ministers with wives. I had a privilege and there to participate in a word for prayer, for the healing of our country, and from a virus that kills people so mercilessly. Due to the virus, we, in our region, have been quarantined, and we cannot collect in the house of prayer, because we divided the Church into groups, and we will gather in houses until the law allows us.

Thank you once again for you, and your support, for the prayers for me and my family.

Pray further dear:

 1. For our country, for spiritual healing, and for healing from the virus.

2. For me, that the Lord will give wisdom from above, that I will lead the Church, redeemed at a high price, in these difficult moments, when we are going home. 3. For my work in the Churches of the region, in these difficult minutes I am looking for sisters of brothers who can sew masks in order to distribute to people.

4. For my family, that God preserves in faith, for health, and for Andrew, that the Lord helps to get home from Italy, and while he is there, that the Lord strengthens and keeps him there.

Blessed friends ... with love to all of YOU, the Kioresko family.
