A fruit of Evangelization


Brothers and sisters, I greet you with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. A servant of the Church, redeemed by Christ, Gregory of Chioresko, is speaking to you. For me, a great privilege is to serve the Church of the redeemed by Christ. I am grateful to the Lord for his mercy shown through you. Thank you for your prayers, help, for your support, for being near us.

With God's help, we performed evangelism in the church of the village of Rakitnoye. There were a lot of people, many unbelievers, many young people, thank God, the Gospel was preached.


After evangelism, on Sunday, a young girl in the service gets up and says she wants to make peace with the Lord. She stepped forward, prayed sincerely, and I and the Church thanked God for this joy of salvation, Thank God for that.

Prayer Needs:

1. First of all, pray for this little sister, named Alena, that God will strengthen her in faith.

2. From February 29 to March 4, we are doing evangelism from house to house, in the village we will carry the gospel of salvation in every family, we will invite to repentance. This is a type of crusade. Pray for us.

3. Pray for me that the Lord will give wisdom and strength in ministry.

4. Pray for my family, for the health of my wife Mila.

Once again, I thank God for you, and I pray that our God bless you.

With love to you, the Kioresko family.
