Meeting for orphans


Peace be to you brothers and sisters, from our Lord Jesus Christ. Addresses to you, minister, Gregory Chioresko. I thank God for His mercy shown to me, and for this great privilege, to be a co-worker with Him. For the ministry that He gave me, to serve His Church, and to preach His Word. I thank Him and for you, dear ones, for your prayers for me and for my ministry, and for my financial support. Your prayers and support are very dear to me.                                

I had the opportunity to preach to orphans, at a meeting that was organized with my brother and sister Petihachny. This is a great grace for me and heartbreak seeing their faces joyful. We pray that we can help them more often and see their joyful faces.

I also, by the grace of God, preached at three funeral services. I am very glad that My Lord uses me to preach His Word to many people. This funeral was in three different areas of the region. I could also visit one of the minister’s pastor’s families. The blessed was a time for fellowship and prayer.

Prayer Needs:

1. I ask you to pray for our ministers, pastors who live very hard, carry out services in different regions of the region, with such difficulties, shortcomings, many do not have money for the most necessary things, electricity, gas, and others ...

2. Pray for the evangelism that will be 02/08/20. Evangelism will be in the house of prayer.

3. Pray for me that the Lord will give strength, wisdom for Him, responsible work.

4. Pray for my family, for children, grandchildren, so that everyone will stand in a row and serve God, serving His children.

Once again, thank you for being with us at work, in prayer. Be blessed.

With love to you, the Kioresko family.
