Christmas holiday


Peace be to you, brother and sisters, from our Lord Jesus Christ. Writes to you, your brother and minister, Gregory Chioresko. I want to share with you what God blesses and helps in ministry.

In the beginning I want to thank God, for you, and you for the enormous help in the prayers for me, and for the help material from you. Be blessed.

1. From the beginning of the year, they had the opportunity to have prayer services every evening. It was very blessed.

2. We celebrated the Christmas holiday and 25 Dec. and Jan 7

26 the elders served, and 7 children and youth, thank God, was blessed.

3. Young people and teenagers were divided into three groups, and caroling almost all night, announcing the birth of Messiah.


4. On the eighth day, I was invited to the village of Krasnoyilsk, where all the churches of the Storozhynets district gathered. I preached there about two sins of which the children of God sin without looking: it is a custom not to attend Church and disobedience to the pastor, according to the Epistle to the Hebrews. A very blessed meeting was.

5. Motive needs:

- for our youth, so that they seek a better God.

- for our country, so that our youth have a future, and that they remain in churches.

- for me, for my ministry in the church and in the churches of the region, so that the Lord will help me to be blancival for them.

On this, thank you again for your prayers. Be blessed.

With love to you, the Kioresko family.
