Evangelization in the Transcarpathian region


Peace to you, dear brothers and sisters, from our Lord Jesus Christ. Thanksgiving is addressed to you by the servant of God and the missionary, Gregory Chioresko. Every day I thank God for you, for your sacrifice, and kindness to me, and to my family, and to our people.

With God's help, the year 2019 ended, the blessed year was for us, with repentance and baptism, thank God for everything, and I thank you very much for your prayers that were near us in everything. I received gifts from you, how much good there, brothers and sisters, for all I thank you, my prayer to God that he will reward you.  

At the end of the year, the Lord encouraged me very much: I visited the homes of brothers and sisters from the church. We sang, prayed with them at their home. Then God directed me to one woman, my wife and I went to her, like Peter and Cornelius, I preached Christ, and then she began to pray, she asks for forgiveness, she tells God her dirty life, she called all sins by name, then says: I don’t know where this prayer came from, I never prayed, but I tell her, I know where the prayer came from: the Holy Spirit did his work.


I was in the ministry in the Transcarpathian region for church evangelism, and I preached in three churches, in the village of Kam’yat, in the village of Zarichcha, and in the city of Vinogradov with gypsies.

In the church of the village of Kamyat there was a prayer of repentance, the whole church began to pray. And the gypsies had fun, they sang very loudly, amen shouted at the sermon.

Pray for:

1. for her sister Mary, who repented, she herself, her husband died, and she is still sick.

2. for Edgar, so that God would strengthen him, and for his parents, so that they would repent.

3. for two women who have been going to the congregation for a year, but cannot repent, will be reconciled with God. Their names are Lilia and Alena.

4. for awakening our church and our village.

5. for me, that the Lord will give wisdom in ministry and strength. For my family, for Benjamin, my son, and Lily, who had a son, and my grandson, but he died. It hurts a lot for them and for us.

This was my fourth grandson, Daniel. He was born and lived only 5 hours. It is necessary to pray for them, it is very difficult to survive. May the Lord strengthen their family. We must support each other in joy and in trouble.

Be blessed. With love to you, the Kioresko family.
