Evangelism in the church

1. Peace to you and grace to all brothers and sisters, collaborators of the PIE mission.

We thank God for all the blessings this year, for all help both financial and material, for all those who are not indifferent to us missionaries and ministers in churches, we thank you for your prayers and spiritual support.

May God bless you all, that we are united by one God, one prayer to Him for all of us.

We thank God that in this war that continues in Ukraine, spiritual work continues, among people of different ages, in the church and in the world.

2. On February 26, the following evangelistic service was organized in the house of prayer:

1) Evangelism in the church, there were people from the village and one immigrant, they invited a brother from Dinivtsi who preached and sang, we also joined in and supported them.

2) in parallel, we conducted a Bible lesson with children with Tamara from Dinivtsi

3) after the morning service, teenagers were also invited to the house of prayer, they also held a service with them on the topic: Childhood of Jesus, there were up to 30 teenagers and several of the children came, we plan to hold such meetings for teenagers once a month, may the Lord help in this for salvation their hearts

3. I ask you to pray for ministry with teenagers, for preparation, organization, material part, and the salvation of their souls.

For the salvation of people who attend services on Sunday

4. We pray for all of you, you are in our hearts, blessings to all of you who support us in everything.

Peace to all of us, God's grace, strength in every work before God, wisdom.

With love, your brother and minister, missionary and pastor of the church Dzyadyk Igor, greetings from the whole family.

Social packages with products to our immigrants

1. Peace and grace to you brothers and sisters of the PIE mission.

We thank all of you for all your spiritual and financial support through the Romanian brothers.

May God bless you and reward you with all good things, thank you for the spiritual cooperation, that we can work even in this time when we are going through wars, we see the hand of God even now. He guides everyone and helps in everything.

May God bless you all and strengthen each of you in missionary service.

2. As always, the month begins with the Lord's commandment in the house of prayer, the memory of the fact that the Lord redeemed us and justified us, we thank Him for this.

- I also had the opportunity to visit and give social packages with products to our immigrants, who are still few in our village, one of them has been attending our service since the summer, I take him to the service every Sunday.

- I also replaced brother Alik, a pastor from Rakitnoi who carries out services in the village of Forosna and Zhilovka. I attended these services, conducted and preached the Word of God.

3. I ask you to pray for the teenage ministry, as well as for the repentance of people who attend the service in the house of prayer

4. Thank you for your support in prayer and also financially, so that we can spiritually continue various types of service, as long as God gives life, health, and opportunities

The family of Dzyadyk.

Teenager meeting

I greet all you missionaries and collaborators of the Gospel of Christ and the PIE mission.

The first month of this year has passed as we continue to serve in God's Kingdom, expanding it by preaching the Gospel of Christ, giving it to people, holding various fellowships.

Since the war in Ukraine is still going on, this does not stop us from continuing to serve, on the contrary, we see more needs and opportunities.

Thank you to all of you who continue to help us financially, with products, spiritually and prayerfully, it is felt and we bless you.

We also thank the brothers from Romania who come to us, we are happy for all of you, for your support and cooperation.

2. Every Sunday I take Volodymyr Trinz to the service, he is an immigrant from Luhansk, he likes to listen and attend the service.

Other people from the village also attend the service.

We had the next meeting with the teenagers from the village in the house of prayer, we plan to continue communication with them, we are very glad that they are coming.

There are other visits to people in the village, this is one-on-one, we give them calendars, new testaments, and other things.

3. Please continue to support us in prayers for:

- teenage ministry in the house of prayer

- for the repentance of those who visit and listen to the Word of God

- for the families of unbelievers from whom men were taken for war

- for us as a family, for health, strength in service.

4. May the Lord bless you all, that we are always in your hearts, pray for us, support us, do not forget us.

We wish you to be strengthened in the grace of God given to us through Jesus Christ.

5. From the whole family, we wish you peace, joy, God's protection always and around, with love, the family of Dzyadyka.

Christmas events

1. God's peace to all the brothers and sisters of the PIE mission.

May God strengthen you and us with His grace as we work to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

May God's hand be upon you and upon us in this new year that we have passed and we continue to work in such unusual and not easy times.

2. The year began with worship in the house of prayer, with the Lord's commandment, the Lord's supper, as it is written ... every time you do the death of the Lord you announce ... on this day there were people from the immigrants and from the world who could hear about the death of our Lord. After the gathering, as usual, we visit church members at home, with communion.

On this New Year's Day, we had a New Year's program. We, the youth and children who came, thanked God for this day and the year that we have passed and are living.

On January 3, we had a children's and adolescent meeting in the house of prayer. On this day, we separately did a program with the children and separately with the teenagers, it was very wonderful and good for everyone.

Also, thanking Brother Hryhoriy Kioresco, he blessed us with pizzas and we used them for the members of the church and also used the opportunity to go around the village to visit those families from where they were taken to the war, we gave them pizzas, brochures called a letter for you, calendars, here we also visited some immigrants, all blessed, but not all of them yet, I am thinking of visiting others as well.

3. Thank you for your donations for us that support us in this difficult year that we have started, for your prayers that we support each other, this is the force that unites us.

Please continue to pray for service with families at war, displaced people, people in the village, with children, teenagers, and work in the church is also a lot of work, may God hear our requests and bless according to His will.

Thank you for your support in prayer and for your continued support.

We are planning a service with teenagers at the end of the month, pray for this meeting as well, so that God will bless.

4. Thank you for your financial help, may the Lord fill you back beyond measure, we pray constantly for you, your sacrifice, for your work wherever you are.

Sincerely, your brother and servant Dzyadyk Ihor

Christmas gifts

Peace to you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our brothers and sisters in the mission.

Summarizing this year's service, we thank God and you that we were able to work together for the glory of God this year. Thank you for your prayers and financial support. May God bless you with His blessing.

This month, I attended a seminar from December 12-16 at the House of Peace church in Chernivtsi, where we began to study the book of Ezekiel.

Also, the Christmas holidays are approaching, I have such a tradition to go to say Merry Christmas and give calendars:

- to school

- the village council

- medical center

- kindergarten

- shops in the village

I went to all the institutions in the village, gave them gifts and congratulated them, and blessed them.

Solomiya also distributed calendars and children's Bibles to her classmates in her class.

Also, every month I go to the military commissariat to take notes and I gave them more than twenty calendars.

We also had a Christmas program in the church, there were some non-believing children. We adults also took part, there was one woman with a grandson in our service.

Please pray for the children's Christmas meeting that we are planning in January.

I am planning to start ministry with teenagers in the church, I also ask you to pray for this meeting.

From the whole family, we wish you all the best, blessings, peace, and new strength in the service, so that the service will be more fruitful in the new year.

May God gather each of you where you are, your families, give you health in service.

With love, the whole family of Dzyadyk.

Gospel at school

Peace and grace to you, our beloved brothers and sisters of the PIE mission.

We praise God and give thanks incessantly for His wonderful works, for His help, wisdom and opportunities that He gives.

Thank you for your prayers and support for us missionaries in Ukraine.

As usual in the church, the first Sunday of the month is a holiday in the church, the memory of the death and suffering of our Lord and Savior who fulfilled God's will for us on Calvary.

- we continue to pray for the families of those mobilized for the war and they receive food packages.

- also God gave such an opportunity to be at school and conduct a lesson with teenagers 8-9 grades on the topic: Who is your neighbor? I distributed the Gospel, about 40 students were present at the lesson, I also had a conversation with the school director, vice director, and other teachers, disappointed in these Moscow patriarchates, how many lies were revealed, and how the priest blesses the Russian soldiers for the war.

- every Sunday I continue to take a man from the displaced people to the service, he wants to listen.

Please pray for the good news in Ukraine,

- work with different people,

- I will pray for working at school with children so that I can go there more often

- for the Christmas program in January, we are planning with the children

- as always, there are various difficulties for us so that we can continue to work for the glory of God and the salvation of many more people

May God bless you all in your work, work in one Spirit, we pray for you, thank you for not forgetting us, supporting us financially.

Your brother and servant Dziadyk Ihor

A funeral service

1. Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.

May God bless you all in the mission of PIE.

We want to thank you for always remembering us, praying, supporting us financially, it is a pleasure for us, it is a blessing and support in our ministry.

Despite everything that we are going through at this time of war in Ukraine, God is with us and gives us the vision and strength and wisdom to continue to serve so that we may hear even more about the Gospel of Christ.

2. In this month, the circumstances were such that we had two services, one pre-funeral and the next day the funeral of our sister's father from the church, two weeks ago she buried her husband and then her father died, we had the opportunity to preach the Gospel both in the evening and during the day, as well our missionary brothers Misha Hortopan and Grisha Chioresco, may God bless them, were invited.

- On November 26, there was a children's and adolescent meeting in Chernivtsi, the purpose of this meeting was again to train new ministers in the ministry, to encourage them in the ministry, to prepare for the evangelistic holidays with children, and to elect a new responsible sister for the children's ministry, we went with our group of sisters from the church to this conference. We are planning to gather the children at the end of December and at the beginning of the new year in January for a meeting for the Christmas holiday.

- also, if possible, we continue to pray for families whose sons or husbands are mobilized for the war and plan to support them with social packages and already give calendars for the new year, and there are also some of the displaced people whom I visit.

One man from the immigrants has been attending our service on Sundays since the summer, every time I take him to the service.

3. Therefore, we ask you to pray for service with children this month, since on December 25 we will remember the event of Christmas and make a program with children.

4. Thank you for supporting us in every way as ministers financially and spiritually, we feel it and it is an encouragement for us because it is a really difficult time in which we live, every day a lot changes, you don't know how to plan the days, what awaits us tomorrow.

May God also bless you in every work, even though we are far from each other, but we all have the same goal of saving souls for the Lord.

With love to you, your brother and servant Dziadyk Igor.

Help for soldiers families

Peace and grace to you, dear beloved missionary brothers and sisters in Christ.

  1. I want to thank all of you on behalf of the whole family for your care, prayer support, and financial assistance.

Also, from my wife Marichka, I would like to thank especially my sister Marta for the generous financial gift, may God give us much more for such a sacrifice and love that you pray for us and do not forget but have in your hearts.

With God's help and according to various possibilities, we continue to serve God and people in the Church of Christ with joint efforts.

2. As usual, every month we, together with the church, fulfill the Lord's commandment, as it was left as a reminder to us that we are redeemed with a great price with the blood of Jesus. Once a month I visit the sisters at home, they do not have the opportunity to attend services in the church, we have prayer and communication with them.

- I also visited some families where sons or husbands were taken to the war, we have the opportunity to help them with social packages.

3. We continue to pray for you and do not forget you, may God richly bless you all, and reward all of you who are so concerned about us, pray, and financially support us.

Your brother and servant Dziadyk Igor

Funeral service

1. Peace of God to the brothers and sisters of the PIE mission.

God's blessing to you, peace and grace.

Thank you for your prayer support and financial support for serving the Lord.

2. Due to the loss of our brother and a member of the church, we had a pre-funeral and funeral service, we were also helped by a choir from Dinivtsi with brother Alex, who sang and preached the Gospel to people for salvation.

3. A request to pray for people who hear the Word of God in this time of war, for people who visit our house of prayer.

- for the families that we have, where the men were taken from for the war

4. Thank you for not forgetting us, always remembering us in your prayers, and we are always in your hearts.

May the hand of God be always upon you in every work you do before God.

Your brother and servant Dziadyk Igor

Harvest day

1. Peace and grace from our Lord and Savior to all in the PIE mission.

May God bless you all in this joint missionary service in which the Lord has chosen and placed you.

I want to thank you for your prayers always for us, that we are always in your hearts, and also for the financial support to be more free for the Lord in the service.

I continue to serve with my family, God opens new opportunities. This is a special time for the gospel, when people lose hope, appreciate what they have, wish that everything would stop, but it all depends on the Lord.

2. In September, a children's meeting dedicated to the day of thanksgiving to the Lord for the harvest this year during the war period was organized in the house of prayer. Together with the children, we gave thanks for the peace we have, for the fruits, ... the children's parents were also grateful and satisfied.

- In connection with the fact that in our village there are up to 50 people mobilized for the war, there was a need to help these families with social packages that include products and personal hygiene products. Therefore, I began to visit these families at home, supporting them, in every yard I had to cry a little with them, listen to them and comfort them.

- Also, I continue to visit the displaced people who still live in our village from time to time, supporting them with food packages.

- For about two months now, every Sunday, I have been taking one man from the displaced people to serve in the house of prayer. He is from the Luhansk region, he has no home there, he has nowhere to return, he goes to the service and listens.

- Solomiya, my daughter who studies in the 2nd grade, invited her classmates to a children's meeting, these are some of the people who came, responded to the invitation, I am glad to see how Solomiya serves and helps.

3. Please continue to pray for our ministry:

- for children's ministry

- for the families from where the men were mobilized for the war, whom we serve and pray for

- for the displaced people who are still in the village, to go to the service and convert to the Lord

4. Thank you once again for continuing to be in the same spirit, pursuing the same goal, serving God and people regardless of where we are. God is with us all. I wish all of you who work in the mission to be strong and courageous. May God give strength and grace for every ministry that arises.

We pray for you, thank you for everything, God bless you, may His good hand be over us all.

Your brother and servant Dziadyk Igor

A prayer for pupils

Peace to you all brothers and sisters in the mission.

First of all, thank you all for your prayers and financial support.

We also thank our God for His mercy to us and help and protection during the war.

May God bless you abundantly.

1. Despite different situations and different places in Ukraine, we continue to live and serve different people who come to our village.

A new family came to us this month, one woman and her daughter-in-law from Nikopol, I met them and brought them. They have relatives from our church, they will temporarily stay with us in the village of Koteleve.

- On August 19, on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, every year we have a service with orphaned children who have gathered in the church on Kovelska in Chernivtsi, we feed them on this day, they have a rest, this year we brought them: sweet bread, cabbage rolls and grapes, the children were very satisfied, and we are also very glad that we can make such joy for them.

- In the village of Luzhany, we visited Kolya and Marusya, they are Marichka's relatives, and I also told them about God, that war disturbs people's hearts.

- on the Sunday before the beginning of the school year, they had several children who had to go to school and were also from a non-believing family. We had a prayer for the children, that God would bless this year of study, and in wartime, that they would be able to study and that God would protect them.

3. Continue to pray for Ukraine and the service of our missionaries in local churches in the village with displaced people and other people with whom we speak

4. We pray for all of you wherever you are for your service before God

May God strengthen you in the gift you serve

May His hand be upon you, thank you for everything, your brother and servant Dziadyk Igor

Blessed camp

1. Peace and grace to you, brothers and sisters of the mission.

We bless you and thank you for everything you do for us in Ukraine.

For humanitarian aid for us and the displaced people who temporarily live near us.

2. This month we had a wonderful camp in Boyany, as planned, with God's help, we had good days for the children around the Word of God.

With a wonderful team and brother Cornell and brothers from America and local leaders, everything went very well and there were even results that we saw in the children.

We had communion in the church on the first Sunday of the month, a good bread-breaking service, and also at home.

3. I also had the opportunity to visit some people from the displaced people who are still temporarily staying here, there is also one new family that came from Kherson

Therefore, we ask you to continue to pray for our Ukraine for the gospel and work with displaced people.

May the Lord bless you and the spiritual work you do for us, we thank you, we pray for you and may everything be done for His glory.

With respect to you, your brother, minister, Igor Dzyadyk

Attending patients

1. Peace to you brothers and sisters of the PIE mission.

Glory to our God Almighty, who protects and blesses us in these times in which we live.

Thank you for constantly supporting us spiritually in prayer and financially.

May God give you according to His grace as He wants it.

2. This month of July, we had a meeting with the leaders in the village of Nesvoya together with Pavel Petihachny, and I also had a service with the word of God in the church.

- I also visited one woman in the hospital, they told her about repentance

- He also visited Yanyk, who is disabled in a wheelchair, took him a social package with products and gave him a New Testament

3. - Continue to pray for the situation in Ukraine

- For the immigrants to whom we go and visit

4. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts that in this joint work we can work for the glory of God.

May God strengthen your hearts and your families, and protect you all around and everywhere for Himself.

Your servant and brother Dziadyk Igor

Camp at the church

1. Peace to you brothers and sisters missionaries of the PIE mission, having such freedom in Ukraine and many opportunities, we continue to do God's work.

First of all, we thank all of you for your material support, as well as spiritual support, your prayers.

2. This month we had a five-day children's summer camp near the house of prayer, God helped us to carry out this service with children this year, even though there is a war in Ukraine, but thank God, everything was wonderful and glorious, the children received the New Testaments and presents.

3. We always have you in our hearts, we pray for you, and we thank you for your prayers, financial support, so that we can continue to serve God and do joint work in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Continue to pray for us as a family,

For the children who heard about the Savior, that they may still come and be converted, that we may see new missionaries for the Lord from them.

May God bless you all, with love, your brother and servant Igor Dziadyk

Ministry with USA team

Peace to you and grace from our Lord Jesus Christ.

We thank God and for your prayers, that in our land there is peace, the Gospel is preached for salvation.

God bless you, thank you for your financial donations.

We had the opportunity with our missionary brothers who came to Ukraine to go to the homes of refugees, to communicate with them, and also to give them a social package.

We had good communication and a meeting with the missionaries.

- there was such an opportunity to preach to people at a funeral in the neighboring village of Zhilovka

- also had a meeting with the children before the camp with Sara, the daughter of Br. Cornela Stef, the children had the opportunity to hear about God, sin, Jesus Christ, holiness and the hope of being with God.

- while walking home with our brothers from America, one woman repented, this is good news, may God bless this woman and our brothers who worked for the glory of God

Please continue to pray for our country, for all the opportunities we can use to proclaim the Gospel

For our families, our service, for the camp with children that we will hold from July 11-15

Blessings to you, thank you for everything, for your prayers for us, we also continue to pray for you and thank God for you.

With love and a prayer Igor Dziadyk

Visiting people at the Rebcenter

1. May peace and grace be multiplied to all of us in our lives and service before our Lord and Savior, Who strengthens and helps in spiritual work on this earth.

May God bless you all and reward you all from the PIE mission for your prayers for us always for material and financial help.

Despite the state of war, God gives even more opportunities to serve and testify to people about the Lord, God expands opportunities, and there are various occasions to have meetings with people.

We are not afraid of war, but we are afraid to do everything right before the God we walk.

2. My family and I visited people at the Rebcenter, including several IDP families with children who were happy when we gave them backpacks and could talk to them.

I gave humanitarian aid from clothes to one family in our village

We had holiday services:

- Breaking bread

- The Ascension of Jesus Christ

- The ascent of the Holy Spirit to the Church

We had the opportunity to remember these events and rejoice that the Lord will come again and that today we have the gift of the Holy Spirit through whom we work and He helps us.

Before one of the displaced families left, we invited them to visit our house and talked to them.

3. Continue to pray for our families, our work, the people we meet, that everything may be for the glory of God.

Thank you all again for everything, for your support, so that you and we can do as much as we live on earth for the Kingdom of God.

Bless you, peace, be strengthened by the grace of God, your brother and servant Dziadyk Igor

Gifts for migrants

1. Peace be upon all the ministers of the PIE mission.

We always thank God through Jesus Christ that we can continue to serve Him and the various people on earth in deed and word.

God opens doors and various opportunities for service today despite the martial law in Ukraine.

Thank you all for your prayerful support and material and financial sacrifice, that we have something to live on and give to others in need.

Another time of year is coming to an end, spring, in which there have been various blessings.

- This month we had the opportunity to visit some children from migrants. We gave them backpacks with gifts we had left over from the Easter meeting. At the same time, we visit their parents and also donate various products that we receive for them from Zaporizhia, Kyiv and other regions.

- I accompanied a family of immigrants who lived with my mother for a long time, they went abroad, had good relations with them and they were open to listen to the Word of God.

- I also had the opportunity to visit some families in another village, people are afraid of what will happen.

- One family from Nikolaev came to us in the village, they are Christians, they were in our house of prayer, and they were very glad of their meeting with us.

- We were also very pleased and very happy to see and meet our favorite missionaries from the PIE mission in Novoselytsia, we had a great community, shared our common work and needs.

May God bless everyone.

3. Keep praying for us, our work before God, how to talk to different people who come

4. We always thank you all for everything you support, pray for us, experience for us, we feel it, may God strengthen you in everything, your vocation and your work and your sacrifice.

We love you all and pray for you, with respect to you servant Igor Dzyadyk

Building the church

1. Christ is Risen, brothers and sisters of the PIEI mission, we continue to remember this event and rejoice in Christ's victory that today we are alive for Him to live and serve Him.

We greet you and bless and thank you for everything you do for us, sacrifice for us and pray for us.

May God bless you.

2. Months pass, our lives also and at the same time, we continue to serve in the church first, then outside the church in society, we help other churches with the Word of God preaching for the building of the church.

- At the beginning of May we had the memory of the death of our Lord, Who gave His life for us to live

- We also had the opportunity to visit one of the seven Brovary migrants

- I also visited two small churches in Forosna and Zhilovka, the pastor of the church is currently absent and we are replacing him until he arrives,

- I also visited the church in Marshyntsi, the pastor of the church also left and had to be replaced at the service, also at the service there were people from the settlers who could hear the Word of God.

3. We continue to pray for the situation in our country, may His will be in everything. He knows how long it should be, the war has become an opportunity for evangelism and helping people, of course it will end someday and it will not happen again, there will be something else.

4. May God strengthen you where you are by His grace, thank you for your financial support, material and humanitarian assistance, for caring for us and praying, God has united us in Christ so that we can serve one another no matter where we are.

With respect and love to you Igor Dzyadyk, Pastor and minister

Children worship God

Christ is Risen! Dear brothers and sisters of the PIEI mission, we always rejoice in all things in our Lord. Thank God for the blessed days we live in spite of the ongoing war, the Lord is with us.

Nothing stops us from working and serving God, God creates such circumstances this year that we have special services, meetings with immigrants. As the Lord leads and we act, we can plan one thing and God gives another and glory to God.

1. Since the churches around are small and have to help each other, we had to be again in Zhylovtsi on Holy Thursday with a bread-breaking service, remembering how Christ prayed in Gethsemane…. Through the Word they strengthened the church.

- We organized a children's meeting with the Easter program in the house of prayer, we also had children of migrants who were given backpacks full of different things for them, they were very happy.

- I also visited seven of the migrants, to whom I brought from various of the products they received from you, and also gave their children backpacks full of all kinds of good for them.

2. Thank you all for your care for us, both financially and prayerfully and food.

3. Continue to pray for my family, for ministry with the settlers, with the children,

4. May God abundantly bless you with the spiritual blessing that is in heaven, with love for you, your brother and servant Dziadyk Igor

Do for God what we can

Peace to you all and grace from our Lord Jesus Christ, brothers and sisters.

Life goes on with our Lord, and service to Him on this earth, God is with us in everything we do before Him.

Thank you for everything you do for us, for your prayerful and material support.

1. We continue to do everything possible in this state of war. We visit different migrants, at the beginning of this month we visited one family which is in the family of our local church. They continue to stay here as they cannot return to Brovary. We support them with food and others by communicating with them to draw closer to the God they need.

- Every month, remembering the death of our Lord, we have to visit at home those sisters who do not have the opportunity to come to the service.

- We also had a service at the Annunciation where we could remember what was said about Jesus Christ to Mary his mother.

- I also had to replace a minister in the neighboring villages to conduct services, the villages of Forosna and Zhilovka, I had a sermon service in their churches.

- Also in our family of the eldest daughter Solomiya there was a holiday, a birthday of 7 years. She invited her neighbor girls, they could pray with them and thank God Jesus Christ for these years of life.

- I was in the Rehabilitation Center which is 7 km from us with. Malinovka, there are currently 5 rehabilitators and two families from Luhansk could talk to them and pray. We also brought them some food and fruit, they were very happy.

2. God works through us in such a time and uses us in various services to people and God.

Continue to support us in prayer, that God may give us wisdom, strength, vision, be always an instrument in God's hands, that He may use us where He wills and as He wills for His glory and the repentance of many others.

3. Thank you for everything, for financial support, keep praying for everything we sow and evangelize. May God bless you all abundantly!

With love, your brother and servant, and my whole family, because in most cases we have to go all together and serve. Dziadyk's family