Help for soldiers families

Peace and grace to you, dear beloved missionary brothers and sisters in Christ.

  1. I want to thank all of you on behalf of the whole family for your care, prayer support, and financial assistance.

Also, from my wife Marichka, I would like to thank especially my sister Marta for the generous financial gift, may God give us much more for such a sacrifice and love that you pray for us and do not forget but have in your hearts.

With God's help and according to various possibilities, we continue to serve God and people in the Church of Christ with joint efforts.

2. As usual, every month we, together with the church, fulfill the Lord's commandment, as it was left as a reminder to us that we are redeemed with a great price with the blood of Jesus. Once a month I visit the sisters at home, they do not have the opportunity to attend services in the church, we have prayer and communication with them.

- I also visited some families where sons or husbands were taken to the war, we have the opportunity to help them with social packages.

3. We continue to pray for you and do not forget you, may God richly bless you all, and reward all of you who are so concerned about us, pray, and financially support us.

Your brother and servant Dziadyk Igor