Christmas gifts

Peace to you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our brothers and sisters in the mission.

Summarizing this year's service, we thank God and you that we were able to work together for the glory of God this year. Thank you for your prayers and financial support. May God bless you with His blessing.

This month, I attended a seminar from December 12-16 at the House of Peace church in Chernivtsi, where we began to study the book of Ezekiel.

Also, the Christmas holidays are approaching, I have such a tradition to go to say Merry Christmas and give calendars:

- to school

- the village council

- medical center

- kindergarten

- shops in the village

I went to all the institutions in the village, gave them gifts and congratulated them, and blessed them.

Solomiya also distributed calendars and children's Bibles to her classmates in her class.

Also, every month I go to the military commissariat to take notes and I gave them more than twenty calendars.

We also had a Christmas program in the church, there were some non-believing children. We adults also took part, there was one woman with a grandson in our service.

Please pray for the children's Christmas meeting that we are planning in January.

I am planning to start ministry with teenagers in the church, I also ask you to pray for this meeting.

From the whole family, we wish you all the best, blessings, peace, and new strength in the service, so that the service will be more fruitful in the new year.

May God gather each of you where you are, your families, give you health in service.

With love, the whole family of Dzyadyk.