Christmas events

1. God's peace to all the brothers and sisters of the PIE mission.

May God strengthen you and us with His grace as we work to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

May God's hand be upon you and upon us in this new year that we have passed and we continue to work in such unusual and not easy times.

2. The year began with worship in the house of prayer, with the Lord's commandment, the Lord's supper, as it is written ... every time you do the death of the Lord you announce ... on this day there were people from the immigrants and from the world who could hear about the death of our Lord. After the gathering, as usual, we visit church members at home, with communion.

On this New Year's Day, we had a New Year's program. We, the youth and children who came, thanked God for this day and the year that we have passed and are living.

On January 3, we had a children's and adolescent meeting in the house of prayer. On this day, we separately did a program with the children and separately with the teenagers, it was very wonderful and good for everyone.

Also, thanking Brother Hryhoriy Kioresco, he blessed us with pizzas and we used them for the members of the church and also used the opportunity to go around the village to visit those families from where they were taken to the war, we gave them pizzas, brochures called a letter for you, calendars, here we also visited some immigrants, all blessed, but not all of them yet, I am thinking of visiting others as well.

3. Thank you for your donations for us that support us in this difficult year that we have started, for your prayers that we support each other, this is the force that unites us.

Please continue to pray for service with families at war, displaced people, people in the village, with children, teenagers, and work in the church is also a lot of work, may God hear our requests and bless according to His will.

Thank you for your support in prayer and for your continued support.

We are planning a service with teenagers at the end of the month, pray for this meeting as well, so that God will bless.

4. Thank you for your financial help, may the Lord fill you back beyond measure, we pray constantly for you, your sacrifice, for your work wherever you are.

Sincerely, your brother and servant Dzyadyk Ihor