Gospel at school

Peace and grace to you, our beloved brothers and sisters of the PIE mission.

We praise God and give thanks incessantly for His wonderful works, for His help, wisdom and opportunities that He gives.

Thank you for your prayers and support for us missionaries in Ukraine.

As usual in the church, the first Sunday of the month is a holiday in the church, the memory of the death and suffering of our Lord and Savior who fulfilled God's will for us on Calvary.

- we continue to pray for the families of those mobilized for the war and they receive food packages.

- also God gave such an opportunity to be at school and conduct a lesson with teenagers 8-9 grades on the topic: Who is your neighbor? I distributed the Gospel, about 40 students were present at the lesson, I also had a conversation with the school director, vice director, and other teachers, disappointed in these Moscow patriarchates, how many lies were revealed, and how the priest blesses the Russian soldiers for the war.

- every Sunday I continue to take a man from the displaced people to the service, he wants to listen.

Please pray for the good news in Ukraine,

- work with different people,

- I will pray for working at school with children so that I can go there more often

- for the Christmas program in January, we are planning with the children

- as always, there are various difficulties for us so that we can continue to work for the glory of God and the salvation of many more people

May God bless you all in your work, work in one Spirit, we pray for you, thank you for not forgetting us, supporting us financially.

Your brother and servant Dziadyk Ihor