Blessed camp

1. Peace and grace to you, brothers and sisters of the mission.

We bless you and thank you for everything you do for us in Ukraine.

For humanitarian aid for us and the displaced people who temporarily live near us.

2. This month we had a wonderful camp in Boyany, as planned, with God's help, we had good days for the children around the Word of God.

With a wonderful team and brother Cornell and brothers from America and local leaders, everything went very well and there were even results that we saw in the children.

We had communion in the church on the first Sunday of the month, a good bread-breaking service, and also at home.

3. I also had the opportunity to visit some people from the displaced people who are still temporarily staying here, there is also one new family that came from Kherson

Therefore, we ask you to continue to pray for our Ukraine for the gospel and work with displaced people.

May the Lord bless you and the spiritual work you do for us, we thank you, we pray for you and may everything be done for His glory.

With respect to you, your brother, minister, Igor Dzyadyk