Attending patients

1. Peace to you brothers and sisters of the PIE mission.

Glory to our God Almighty, who protects and blesses us in these times in which we live.

Thank you for constantly supporting us spiritually in prayer and financially.

May God give you according to His grace as He wants it.

2. This month of July, we had a meeting with the leaders in the village of Nesvoya together with Pavel Petihachny, and I also had a service with the word of God in the church.

- I also visited one woman in the hospital, they told her about repentance

- He also visited Yanyk, who is disabled in a wheelchair, took him a social package with products and gave him a New Testament

3. - Continue to pray for the situation in Ukraine

- For the immigrants to whom we go and visit

4. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts that in this joint work we can work for the glory of God.

May God strengthen your hearts and your families, and protect you all around and everywhere for Himself.

Your servant and brother Dziadyk Igor