Gifts for migrants

1. Peace be upon all the ministers of the PIE mission.

We always thank God through Jesus Christ that we can continue to serve Him and the various people on earth in deed and word.

God opens doors and various opportunities for service today despite the martial law in Ukraine.

Thank you all for your prayerful support and material and financial sacrifice, that we have something to live on and give to others in need.

Another time of year is coming to an end, spring, in which there have been various blessings.

- This month we had the opportunity to visit some children from migrants. We gave them backpacks with gifts we had left over from the Easter meeting. At the same time, we visit their parents and also donate various products that we receive for them from Zaporizhia, Kyiv and other regions.

- I accompanied a family of immigrants who lived with my mother for a long time, they went abroad, had good relations with them and they were open to listen to the Word of God.

- I also had the opportunity to visit some families in another village, people are afraid of what will happen.

- One family from Nikolaev came to us in the village, they are Christians, they were in our house of prayer, and they were very glad of their meeting with us.

- We were also very pleased and very happy to see and meet our favorite missionaries from the PIE mission in Novoselytsia, we had a great community, shared our common work and needs.

May God bless everyone.

3. Keep praying for us, our work before God, how to talk to different people who come

4. We always thank you all for everything you support, pray for us, experience for us, we feel it, may God strengthen you in everything, your vocation and your work and your sacrifice.

We love you all and pray for you, with respect to you servant Igor Dzyadyk